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The Big 5, Wil Campbell ProductionThe formation of the Metis Association took place in 1928 by a group referred to as "The Big Five".

The members of the big five consisted of Joseph Dion, Peter Tomkins, Malcolm Norris, James Brady, and Felix Calihoo. The First President of the Metis Nation was Joe Dion (1928-58), followed by Jim McDonald (1959-61), Adrien Hope (1961-67), Stan Daniels (1967-71), James Ducharme (1971-72), Stan Daniels (1972-75), Ambroise Laboucane (1975-76), Stan Daniels (1976-79), Sam Sinclair (1979-87), Larry Desmeules (1987-93), Gerald Thom (1993), Lyle Donald (1993-96), and our current president Audrey Poitras (1996-Present).

The Metis Association of Alberta changed its name to the Metis Nation of Alberta in 1991. The Vision statement of the Metis Nation is " Together we will continue to build a strong Metis nation". The Metis Nation has six zones in Alberta; Zone 1- Lac La Biche, Zone 2- Bonnyville, Zone 3- Calgary, Zone 4-Edmonton, Zone 5- Slave Lake, Zone 6- Peace River.

In the 1960's the Association was first registered under the Societies Act and was able to develop new programs when the provincial and federal governments granted funding. Affiliates of the Metis Nation include, Metis Urban Housing, which was incorporated in February of 1983 to help Urban Metis find affordable housing, there are now fourteen branches in Alberta. Metis Child and Family Services, encourages the well being of Metis children and families though various programs.

The Metis Wilderness Centre is an outstanding success story for Metis and Aboriginal offenders. The offenders learn how to operate and maintain parks all over Alberta they also receive many certificates that are needed in today's work force. Approximately 900 offenders have entered the camp.

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