Emily Carr and the House of All Sorts
Emily Carr and the House of All Sorts
Original Blueprints
Original Blueprints
Building an apartment house was disheartening from the start for Emily. "My architect was a querulous, dictorial man who antagonized his every workman."* The architect John Wilson, who had immigrated from England, had been recommended to her by an in-law. "Like a fool I trusted and did not investigate for myself." Although John Wilson built a small number of houses in the Victoria area, not much is know about him.

Emily had originally drawn up a plan for a house she invisioned. She took the design to Mr. Wilson and inquired how much the house would cost to build. The architect told Emily it was "concise and practical" and "a very good little plan". He told Emily he could make a few suggestions. "In a few days he returned my drawing so violently elaborated that I did not recognize it." Mr. Wilson demanded she pay him 200 dollars for his troubles whether she decided to hire him or not. Emily was at the time living and teaching art in Vancouver and could not afford to pay for another architect. It seemed to her there was no other option than to hire Mr. Wilson to build her "House of all Sorts".

Emily Carr
Artist Emily Carr...
Image Courtesy of BC Archives-Detail of Call Number: F-05885

"The man hated Canada and all her living. He was going to show her how to build houses the English way." Emily's troubles with the architect were endless. She had to pay hundreds of dollars extra because Mr. Wilson did not comply with the city's building codes. This meant rebuilding portions of the house to follow the strict codes. By the end of the construction, Emily found herself in debt.

After completion, Emily was happy with her new home. It had clear views from every window, large rooms, open fireplaces, a coal furnace and the location was more than ideal. It was indeed a comfortable home.

"But, when once I was quit of the builders… I was thrilled as a woman is over her first baby even if it is a cripple."

*All quotes used on this page taken from
Carr, Emily. The House of All Sorts. London: Oxford University Press, 1944. p. 5-7.  

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