Emily Carr and the House of All Sorts
Emily Carr and the House of All Sorts
Renovations: Introduction
Original Proposed Blueprints
Original Proposed Blueprints
Several architectural changes have been made to the "House of All Sorts" since it was first constructed in 1913. The original blueprints are on file with the City of Victoria but no other records exist documenting the renovations that have occurred during the house's 87 year history.

There have been countless changes made to both the interior and exterior of the house. These alterations have not been officially documented. There have been several books written about "Emily and the House of All Sorts", but not one has been able to determine what changes were made to the original structure of the house and exactly when these changes occured.

During the construction of the house, Emily constantly fought with her architect, leading one to believe that some of the changes could have been made at that time. It is possible that many of the renovations occurred in the late 1940's after Emily sold the "House of All Sorts". The style of the alterations are similar to the architectural style of that era.

The floor plans section will show the proposed blueprints Emily's architect submitted to the City of Victoria. This section will also include coloured floor plans to illustrate any differences between the proposed plans and what the house looks like today.

The remaining portion of the renovations section will show present day photographs of the entire house. Detailed explanations of any possible changes will accompany the photographs.  


Floor Plans
Second Floor
Doll's House
First Floor
Lower East Flat
Lower West Flat

Introduction Emily Carr Virtual Tour Eagles of the Attic
Renovations Architecture Map Teacher's Corner Bibliography
                    Produced by Steele Eye Productions.