Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections
Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections Fortress of Louisbourg's Digital Collections

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   Visitor Activities
The Fortress of Louisbourg has a variety of activities for visitors. There are several fun and educational things to experience when you visit, ranging from the dedicated staff's animation program to the reenactments of historical events. Here you can watch a parade of brave soldiers straight out of the 1700s, standing ready to defend their house and home here in Cape Breton. The thrill of realizing just how intense life could be 200 years ago can be experienced in person today!


The visitor's center of the fortress has activities for both young and old. When you visit with the entire family, the staff will ensure that all members will have something to do and see during their stay. The Children's Interpretive Centre is a section offered for young children who need supervision so both generations can make the most of their visit. There they can experience fun activities and games related to the fortress, learning about the history in an imaginative and interactive way. The staff would be happy to watch your children during your visit at the center, ensuring that all members of your family will have a fun and educational time.

Men, women and children enact the full range of society from the leisurely activities of the rich to the hard physical labour of the poor. You'll see engineers, musicians, soldiers, merchants, street vendors, bakers, servants and fishermen.

Each summer the fortress springs to life. Dozens of costumed animators become the town's residents of the summer of 1744. Period homes, exhibits and theme centres line the central streets of rue Toulouse and rue Royale, as well as along the busy waterfront (quay). The staff at Louisbourg take great pride in the animation program-as one can see with the great dedication towards authentic costumes and mannerisms. It is a fun and interesting event to watch the fortress staff work hard to portray life as it would have been in 1744. As more archaeological discoveries are made, more animation techniques are applied accordingly, to further bring a touch of realism to the animation. With high quality costumes and authentic equipment, you, the visitor, can sit back and get a feeling of how people lived so long ago.


Some areas of the fortress site are intentionally modern, such as exhibits of the reproduction program. Louisbourg's dedicated staff work with craftspeople to develop specialized supplies for animation. Sometimes, the same companies in the same locations supply the reconstructed fortress, just as they would have supplied the fortress of 250 years ago!

The animation program at Louisbourg provides many jobs for the people of Cape Breton Island. The employees put immense effort into maintaining the educational quality of the fortress and in the realism of the events. All of the materials and costumes are designed for maximum authenticity, due to the care and consideration taken by dedicated workers. Be sure to include the fortress on your next vacation!

  Animation of an officer and soldiers in the Grand Encampment.
Summer 1995
Animation of an officer and soldiers in the Grand Encampment.
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