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There are many stages and changes in life's journey. From childhood to adulthood there are different ways to balance oneself within the sacred Circle. Some of these ways are through traditional practices in the Aboriginal cultures that can help people in the workplace and at home. For instance, circle checks, pow -wows, legends/stories, and ceremonies that include sweat lodges, etc.

Talking Circle

A talking circle is when a group of people sit in a circular form and pass around a sacred object (a tiny pebble, feather, or stick). As each person in the circle holds the sacred object, it is his or her turn to speak a truth about themselves or their lives. It is a symbol of spirituality to empower those individuals to speak from the heart as an offering to the group. The sacred object serves as a focus for each person as it rotates throughout the group, and it encourages the participants to share leadership and words with each other. In this way the energy is focused on an individual and the group. This method ensures that each voice is heard; contributions to a circle are what make the group whole. Remember: "speak from the heart, be brief, and listen attentively." The circle provides a tool for making better decisions, which strengthens a community by creating better understanding of yourself, others, and issues at hand. Talking circles can help in many ways by improving communicational skills, decision making, planning processes, and problem solving.

Cycle Of Human Development

Protection, nourishment, growth, and wholeness are significant goals in developing unity.


One nurtures one's self through physical and spiritual environments. By gathering wisdom of the past and nourishing the present, we plan for the future.


When a person is conceived, the mother is the protector and nurturer. She promotes growth and development throughout life's journey.


We must have respect for our spiritual beliefs. The many changing seasons represent the way we grow as individuals and become our true selves.


The centering and symbolism of the Four Directions in a being's life represent wholeness.

* The North represents wisdom, elders, and the balance of life;
* The East represents purity, life, and guidance;
* The South represents peace, humility, and the love of people; and
* The West represents the love for the creator, and going within dreams and visions.

By balancing and understanding ourselves, we clear a safe path to recognize and protect our values as Nations. By so doing, we are in harmony with the universe.

We must find balance within ourselves before we can help others. Spirituality is important to people seeking wholeness and acceptance in the physical and spiritual worlds. As individuals start their healing journeys, they realize that it is a constant, never-ending process.

What Is The Medicine Wheel?

The Medicine Wheel is the center of all people. It shows the four aspects of our lives: physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. There are symbolic colours that represent all of our brothers and sisters of the human race. They are white, red, yellow, and black.

The Medicine Wheel reflects qualities and gifts as a person. How you develop and progress depends on choosing the right path, allowing you to balance the spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental experiences of everyday life. A person as a whole is what makes the center of the wheel. It's up to you as an individual to choose the right path. Identity is everything, for without it you would not be aware of who you are, or what you're meant to be. This is what sums up a person. It is our goal to gather and regain wholeness in the Nations and ourselves. As you travel your journey, in the same way nature's patterns come and go. You learn to understand yourself and realize there is no end to the journey of the four directions. They are infinite. The cycle of life turns forever. If you use the fundamentals of the wheel, it will teach you courage in your heart as well as perseverance to achieve your full potential as an individual. By representing and redefining your spiritual teachings using the medicine wheel you will grow spiritually in your personal life and in the work environment.

Understanding the Circle

The circle represents the fullness of living and experience, and carries a very meaningful message to people. The circle symbolizes never-ending life, which begins with birth, through childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, and then death.

Walking In Balance

Spirituality is the centre. Joining the Creator with the love and support of others helps to develop us, and unity begins this process. If there is no participation from one's self, your healing journey won't begin. The Creator made all people, adults and children, and all must be treated with respect no matter what race, gender, or culture. Life is a symbolic tool, a journey that connects you as a being with the rest of creation. It is a continuous cycle, and everything is inter-related with the universe. People are born, live, die and enter the spirit world. It's all a part of life. Make time for inner holistic balance, meditate, and pray to ask what your purpose is and why you were created.

We heal ourselves, our relationships and our world.

The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. If we don't begin the path of healing, youth will suffer. As soon as people learn how to balance each other spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally, the Nations will be united and strong!

When looking at spirituality in the workplace, people need to learn how to nurture and understand themselves in order to function 100% in their company/organization. Spirituality in the workplace can benefit both the employee and employer. The business can be more successful with contented, centered employees. A number of studies indicate that healthy employees are more productive.

Our knowledge will affect our next generations. Healing ourselves and bringing the words from the Creator to our people is your part in healing future generations.

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