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Self-esteem grows in many different ways: through everyday thoughts and behaviors, by establishing goals and values, by making fair and honest decisions, by sharing your goodness with others, and by taking care of your body.


Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. Having a healthy self-esteem reflects the positive feelings you have about yourself, your appearance, and behaviors. It shows how confident you are. Low self-esteem, on the other hand, reflects negative thinking. The process of thinking and living in a good way balances a person. In life, there are many trials and tribulations (lessons) which teach us about our self-identity and ourselves, and help to build our self-esteem. When a person is strong he or she has an easier time coping with negative situations of loss, fear, thus restoring balance of the mind and body. By not caring for yourself or for those around you, you may bring sorrow to our communities, which brings sickness to the heart. You may lose your power, visions, and dreams, and you will forget how to survive as a person of Aboriginal descent.

Stress can frustrate all of us. It gets in the way of who you want to be. To manage stress in everyday life you should self-assess, use spiritual methods such as prayer, and make an effort to relax. There are many ways to accomplish these tasks:

When you are young, you don't have a lot of experience in life. When you care deeply for someone, you may think that you will never feel that way for anyone else. What you don't realize is that it's all a part of growing. In your lifetime there will be people and things that will "come and go" that may break your heart. If you feel you cannot handle the pain, go and talk to people that you trust. They may have gone through the same kind of situation. You're never alone. Remember: there are always people who understand and want to help.

Each person has the power to heal his or her own body. Life is precious so take care of yourself.

It is important to maintain a proud positive self-image. Preserve your traditional culture, and develop and apply traditional skills and values to the modern, changing world.

Substance Abuse

While it is difficult to collect accurate figures, the abuse of alcohol and other drugs is perceived to be common in some First Nations communities. The extent of use is generally inferred from social and health indicators such as cirrhosis of the liver, violent death and suicide rates. Alcohol and other drug abuse can be viewed as part of a set of complex issues affecting the physical and social well being of the individual, family and community.

Nobody is too young (or too old) to have trouble with booze.

A Message to Teenagers... How to tell when drinking is becoming a problem.
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