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Sexual activity among young people today is reflective of differing behaviours and beliefs. Unprotected sex can pose a health risk to youth by infection through sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and it is essential that youth become aware of the risks. Through awareness, appropriate and informed lifestyle choices can be made. AIDS is an incurable disease, which can be passed through a number of means: transfer of bodily fluids through unprotected sex, tainted blood transfusions, and the exchange of tainted needles. An infected mother can even pass it to her unborn child. Individuals infected with the AIDS virus may not develop symptoms for a long period of time, but are still capable of infecting others. While the disease does not kill of itself, it gradually weakens the immunity system, allowing potentially fatal infections to destroy an individual's health.

When a person is coping with HIV/AIDS he or she needs a lot of support. It is important for the individual and family members to learn about the disease that he or she must live with. When dealing with HIV/AIDS it is also important to learn to cope with the situation in a cultural aspect. It will give the person who is ill the initiative to stay strong and have hope, and it will bring the community together. Spending time with people who share the same social background, experiences, and beliefs can help begin healing the hurt of HIV/AIDS.

How can AIDS affect people as a whole?

A person affected with AIDS needs emotional support. An individual is concerned with how people, friends, families, and spouses will react. Many feel they should relocate in order to live without prejudice and alienation or estrangement.

Victims are encouraged to attend counseling sessions or support groups to distinguish their concerns to restore balance to their lives. There are numerous people seeking traditional ways/ceremonies to help deal with the situation, and there are just as many spiritual leaders and medicine people who are willing to perform traditional ceremonies to help out in any way. These people understand that it's not just the person with HIV/AIDS who has to learn to deal and accept. Family members and friends are encouraged to seek information and support through counseling. There are many events and conferences that are geared towards their emotional needs to bring about the healing journey.


Drugs And Alcohol

What are the effects of substance abuse?

It is the clouding of the mind, distortion of senses, and hallucination that triggers panic, anxiety, paranoia, and depressive episodes. What it really is, is a DISEASE that occurs when people suffer loss and appropriate ways of coping. The results are a loss of control over their behaviour. That is why most substance abusers aren't able to stop without help. It can be very hard for individuals to ask for help, as many people do not want to admit they have a serious problem with substance abuse. It is especially hard for young people to come to terms with having a substance problem. Many individuals assume only drugs can form addictions and that only street people have these problems. Being in denial is one sign of having a substance abuse problem, but it is an indication of other problems as well. Dependence upon alcohol and/or drugs often leads to the abusers abandoning the people who care about them, and they can be left with feelings of loneliness and fear.

Getting Help

The most difficult decision is admitting to having a problem. Asking for help in difficult circumstances such as these can be frightening and overwhelming. If you take a look at how alcohol and drugs have negatively affected your life, you may find that substance abuse has robbed you of things that are important to your well-being: spirit, family and friends, respect for yourself and others, and happiness. Encourage your friends to talk to someone who has dealt with a similar situation. There are many groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous available to provide positive reinforcement and assistance. These groups offer confidentiality and support. If you are afraid to go to a meeting you are more than welcome to take a friend for moral support.

Healing is the "letting go" process of our hurts. It breaks the cycle of violence and abuse and replaces in our lives the anger, shame and guilt. Healing begins using the seven teachings of honesty, truth, humility, love, courage, wisdom, and respect. Healing is the search for who we are, who we have been, and what we will become. It means feeling good about ourselves, our families, communities, and Nations. Our understanding of our journeys will all differ, and we may backtrack many times before the teachings are learned. In time we can reclaim the trust and accept the guidance of the Creator.



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