The 10 most sold medicinal plants in United States

Plants % of the market Research
Echinacea 9,9 Germany
Garlic 9,8 Europe and USA
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) 7,0 -
Ginseng (Panax) 5,9 Europe and Asia
Gingko biloba 4,5 Germany
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) 4,4 -
Germany - -
Aloes 4,3 USA
Ephedra 3,5 USA
Eleuthero 3,1 Europe and Asia
Cranberries 3,0 USA

(Centre québécois de valorisation des biomasses et des biotechnologies, 1997)

Evolution of technologies

Biotechnology is a very important process in the improvement of plant raw materials and the products that can be transformed from them. Genetic engineering is fundamental for the identification, characterization and improvement of plant varieties. Physico-chemical technologies are being developed to extract, concentrate and preserve "functional raw materials".

Pharmaceuticals and Functional Foods: Page 1 | Personal Hygiene
Agromedia : English : Non-Food Uses of Agricultural Products : Different Uses of Agricultural Products : Pharmaceuticals and "Functional Foods"