Grade 10 History
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Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Project Sites LESSON 6

Small Group Debriefing:
Group Editing and Practice

Time: 1-3 Periods

Students will:

  • present their findings and preparations (i.e. project display) for final presentation to a group of peers who will edit and evaluate each members work;
  • complete with other members of the group the Peer Assessment and Peer Suggestion Worksheets;
  • retain Peer Assessment Worksheet and Peer Suggestion Worksheetfor Canadian Heroes Folder;
  • continue development of a Canadian Heroes Folder to monitor their progress.


  1. Peer Assessment Worksheet
  2. Peer Suggestion Worksheet

Lesson Plan:

  1. Divide students into groups and have them present their Canadian Heroes Folder and any other preparations for their final class presentation.
  2. Be sure each group completes the Peer Assessment and Peer Suggestion Worksheets and that each student submits these components to their folder.

Evaluation Opportunities:

  1. Teacher observation of student participation in group discussions.
  2. Individual submissions of Peer Assessment and Peer Suggestion Worksheets.


Canadian Heroes of the Twentieth Century

The Peer Assessment Worksheet should be used in conjunction with the Peer Suggestion Worksheet. This sheet will be filled out by your group of peer evaluators. Each member of the group will evaluate your work and make at least one oral comment. When they are finished they should return this sheet to you. Be sure to retain this assessment sheet for your folder.

Peer Assessment Worksheet

Thesis Statement

Total___ / 4









A concise, clear statement that puts forward a position or point of view for development. Some complexity of thought. A statement that puts forward a position or point of view for development. A position or point of view is expressed but not clearly or concisely. Lacks position or point of view. Needs more work.
Research & Documentation

Total___ / 4

Uses a number of primary sources appropriately to develop the thesis. Determines the reliability of the source.

Demonstrates understanding of connections and relationships in the evidence. Proper documentation and bibliography.

Missing one key component of an excellent essay. Heavy reliance on one type of primary source. Clear documentation.  Missing two components of an excellent essay. Uses only one type of primary source.  Missing three components of an excellent essay. Uses only one primary source. Insufficient documentation

Total___/ 4

Concluding statement summarizes appropriately the findings of the research. Refers to the thesis. Is stated in a clear and succinct manner. Summarizes and draws some appropriate conclusions. Refers to the thesis. Is somewhat clear. Draws a few conclusions. Does not refer to the thesis. Lacks clarity. Conclusion is missing. Does not refer to the thesis. Conclusion does not follow from the evidence or research.
Clarity of Presentation

Total_________/ 4

Use of clear, concise language. Flowing paragraphs. Good sentence structure. Free of major grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Generally clear language with complete sentences. Few grammatical and spelling errors. Presentation is understandable. Some errors in sentence structure. Grammatical errors are noticeable. Presentation is confusing. Numerous errors in sentence structure. Many errors in grammar and spelling.
Organization of Presentation


Logical development of thesis with well organized paragraphs, including: clear introduction, body (5 flowing paragraphs), and conclusion. Use linking words as indicators of development of thesis. Paragraph organization including: introduction, evidence, and conclusion. Some clear development of the thesis. Lacks clear development of the thesis. Lacks logical paragraph organization. Lacks paragraphs. Does not develop the thesis or proceed in an appropriate direction.



Oral Presentation
Clarity of Message

Total___/ 4









Theme is clearly and coherently presented and stated. Theme is clear in either the presentation or written statement. Some aspects of the theme are clearly presented in the project. Theme is not clear.
Creativity and Originality


Effective, innovative or imaginative approach that captivates or attracts the attention of the audience. Effective and interesting approach with good visual appeal. Some creativity or originality. Some visual appeal with limited creativity or originality. Lacks creativity and visual appeal.
Research and Effort


Thoughtful, thorough, and well documented. Obvious signs of an exceptional effort. Thoroughly researched and documented. A complete piece of work.  Some significant research and documentation but not complete in all aspects. Incomplete research and documentation. Little evidence of independent thought.
Written Support Material


Well organized and clearly expressed written material that enhances the viewers understanding of the project. Minimal mechanical errors. Organized written material that helps the viewer understand the project. A few mechanical errors. The written statement is not clear and is only somewhat organized. Numerous mechanical errors. Unorganized and unclear written statement with serious mechanical errors. No written support material.
Format and Style

Total___/ 4

The medium of presentation is most appropriate to convey the theme of the project. Medium helps to convey the message or theme. Medium is not particularly effective for the theme. Medium is not appropriate for the theme.


Peer Evaluation Average


TO BE COMPLETED BY _____________________

Progress Verified (?) Date Submitted __ __ / __ __ / __ __


Canadian Heroes of the Twentieth Century

Name: ______________
Peer Suggestion Worksheet

Each member of the group should make at least two (2) written suggestions: one regarding your thesis paper and one regarding your upcoming class presentation.

Project Title: __________________________________

Peer Evaluator #1 ___________________ Please Sign

Your Name________________





Peer Evaluator #2 ___________________ Please Sign

Your Name________________





Peer Evaluator #3 ___________________ Please Sign

Your Name________________





Peer Evaluator #4 ___________________ Please Sign

Your Name________________





Peer Evaluator #5 ___________________ Please Sign

Your Name________________




Peer Evaluator #6 ___________________ Please Sign

Your Name________________





TO BE COMPLETED BY ___________________________

Progress Verified (?) Date Submitted __ __ / __ __ / __ __


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