Unit 2
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Introduction to World War I

Grade: 10

Time: one period (40 minutes)


  • Heritage Minute Video "Valour Road"
  • "War, Peace, and Security" Kit  of Canadians in the Global Community
  • Reserve VCR and TV

Students will:

  • identify and describe the achievements of Canadians who have contributed significantly to the development of Canada and the world.
  • analyze, synthesize, and evaluate historical information; locate information using a variety of sources.
  • analyze and describe conflicting points of view.
  • differentiate between bias, inference, and fact

Lesson Plan:

  1. Introduce World War I, and ask the question-What is war? Find out what the students already know about war. Record the students responses on the board or on chart paper.

  2. Play "Valour Road". CRB Heritage Minute.  You may want to show the video a few times asking the students to be aware of various details from the video each time.

  3. Create a Mind Map on the board.  write the words Valour Road  in the centre of the board or onto chart paper and circle them.  Ask the students what they think the video is about.  What do they see in the video. What are the main concepts and feelings evoked (honour, loyalty, pride). To organize the main ideas of the Mind Map , ask students to identify the main ideas associated with Valour Road, for example the battle field conditions, dangers, actions, feelings evoked, etc. Circle these words and create new branches for the Mind Map using pictures or words.

  4. Once the Mind Map activity is completed, write the terms FACT VS. OPINION on the board or chart paper.  Ask the students to recall all of the FACTS associated with the video Valour Road (e.g. Hall rescues the injured soldier). List those examples under the word fact.  Then list all of the occurrences and discuss which are OPINION (e.g. The Sergeant shouting: "Stay down! There's nothing you can do!") You may have to play the video again to have students focus on the details for this discussion.

  5. Please refer to the Newsletter Simulation activity from the  "War, Peace and Security" Kit.  The students will analyze a Newsletter as a presentation of information from a specific point of view, geared to a specific audience.  Go through the Activity Questions with the class.

Evaluation Opportunities:

  • Assess student participation in the class discussions .
  • Assess student contributions in the Newsletter Simulation

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