<World War I: TEST
Unit 2
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Grade: 10
Time: one period (40 minutes)


Name:__________________  Date: ______________________
Class: _________________________

Please read the following questions carefully, then answer them in complete, well written sentences.

  1. Using eight words from the web site on definitions of World War I vocabulary, write a short paragraph explaining the most intriguing incident you learned about in WWI.  Make sure you underline the eight words you choose to use.
    (mark __ /8)
  2. In a complete sentence, explain the differences between volunteerism and conscription.
    (mark __/6)
  3. In three complete sentences, list three facts and opinions about WWI.  Label the fact and opinion.
    Example: It was wonderful that WWI ended in 1918.
    ( mark __/9)
  4. What was WWI referred to as by veterans, families and others involved?
    (mark __/2)
  5. The students in class gave many presentations about WWI.  In two short paragraphs, describe two of the presentations , that were not your own.  Include three facts you learned about each of these presentations.
    (mark __/9)
  6. We studied some personal accounts on the Pier 21 site which taught us the roles women played in WWI.  Pick three roles women had during WWI, and explain how these roles are similar to or different from the roles women play in today's society.  Why do you think this may be so?
    (mark __/9)
  7. List five situations in WWI or in today's society that could be considered propaganda. In five sentences, explain the reasoning for your choices.
    (mark __/5)
  8. What were two of the major battles fought in WWI?
  9. What are two reasons we might consider these battles major battles? (Please use complete sentences to explain your responses)
  10. Why is there a street in Winnipeg called Valour Road?
  11. Pretend that you are a soldier in a trench in WWI.  Write a brief, five to ten sentence letter to your family back home.  Describe what you see, hear, smell, feel and feel like in the trench.

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