Unit 2
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Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4-5 Lesson 4-5 Lesson 6-8 Lesson 6-8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Unit Test LESSON THREE
Group Research
on the Internet

Grade: 10

Time: one period (40 minutes)


  • Reserve time in the Computer Lab with access to the Internet
  • Create a title for a bulletin board with : Time Line of Events of World War I. (Students will research events, create and complete the time line and bulletin board)
  • Create a title for a bulletin board with : World War I Terminology. (Students will research
    terminology in the lesson today)
  • Go to the World War I Glossary of Terms and the Chronology of World War I sites.
  • Print off the Glossary of terms and the Chronological events. Cut these apart and put the definitions into one hat or box, and the terms into another. These are the terms and events students are going to use for this lesson to create the bulletin boards.

Students will:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact of WW I on Canada and the World community.
  • identify and describe the achievements of Canadians who have contributed significantly to the development of Canada and the world.
  • use appropriate vocabulary to describe their inquiries and observations.
  • analyze, synthesize, and evaluate historical information; locate information using a variety of sources.

Lesson Plan:

  1. Introduce the lesson by explaining the Time line and Definitions Bulletin Boards in the classroom.  Tell the students that they are going to be completing these bulletin boards from the information they research using the Internet.
  2. Explain your school's policy on use of the Internet and review Computer Lab rules.
  3. Pass the box or hat around and have each student pull out a definition and event.  Keep passing hat or box around until it is emptied.  Students may have to work in pairs or groups, depending upon computer access.
  4. Have students locate the following sites :
  5. Have students print out their findings of the terminology and events.
  6. Return to class and have students present their research findings. Then have students recopy their answers onto appropriate paper and put their terms and events onto each bulletin board.
  7. As a class, use the students' findings to complete the time line on the bulletin board.

Evaluation Opportunities:

  • Assess student participation in class discussion and in the Computer Lab
  • Self and teacher evaluation of assignment using rubric

Definitions and Events Evaluation




  Student Teacher
Internet & Computer /5 /5
Usage Ability /5 /5
Accuracy of Facts /5 /5
Quality of Work /5 /5
Effort on Presentations /5 /5
Total /20 /20

Rating Scale
• 0-Major Difficulty • 1-Needs Improvement • 2-Fair
• 3-Good • 4-Very Good • 5-Excellent

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