Unit 2
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Group Presentations

Grade: 10

Time: one period (40 minutes)

Students will:

  • demonstrate an understanding of how diverse groups and individuals have contributed to the historical, cultural, and economic development of Canada.
  • analyze and describe the conflicts and changes involving Canadians in World War I.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact of WW I on Canada and the World community.
  • identify and describe the achievements of Canadians who have contributed significantly to the development of Canada and the world.
  • demonstrate an understanding of Canada's participation in World War I (e.g., reasons Canada fought, roles of Canadian men and women, actions of the Canadian forces at the battle of Vimy Ridge) and the contributions of war veterans to Canada and world history.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact of World War I on the veterans, their families, Canada as a whole and specific groups within the country.
  • use appropriate vocabulary to describe their inquiries and observations.
  • formulate questions to facilitate research (e.g., the changing role of women in the workforce), using a variety of sources;
  • analyze, synthesize, and evaluate historical information; locate information using a variety of sources.
  • analyze and describe conflicting points of view.
  • communicate the results of inquiries for specific purposes and audiences, using media works, political cartoons, oral presentations, written notes, reports, posters, tables, charts, and graphs. <
  • differentiate between bias, inference, and fact.


  • Obtain supplies needed for group presentations as previously requested by the students
  • Reserve the video camera (and arrange with a technologically capable student to tape the presentations) Students can review this video before the unit test
  • Reserve the TV and VCR
  • Have the Self, Peer and Group Evaluation Forms copied

Lesson Plan:

Students will give their presentations on World War I to the class.  The students who are not presenting should take notes about each topic.  Keep in mind that some of the facts given in the presentations can be used within the unit test...let your students know this!

Remind your students that they will have the opportunity to view the video and their performances prior to the Unit Test.

Evaluation Opportunities:

  • Have students hand in a hard copy of their presentation. Use this for evaluation purposes on the Teacher Evaluation Form.
  • At the end of each presentation, have students (3-5 per presentation)  evaluate each presentation in a non-confrontational way.  Ask the students to write their opinion of the project under these headings: What I liked best was...Something I wondered about.... Something interesting I learned was...
  • Have the students hand in their responses, with their names on it.
  • Teacher evaluates the presentation using the Teacher Evaluation Form

World War I Presentation Evaluation Form

Date: ________________

Group Members:________________

Subject of Presentation: _____________________________

Organization and Timing 0 1 2 3 4
Accuracy of Facts 0 1 2 3 4
Effort (props, costumes) 0 1 2 3 4
Quality of Work 0 1 2 3 4
Creativity 0 1 2 3 4
Content of Information 0 1 2 3 4
Hardcopy of Presentation 0 1 2 3 4
Total /32

Rating Scale

• 0 = Major Difficulty • 1 = Needs Improvement •2 = Fair
• 3 = Good • 4 = Excellent



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