Unit 2
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Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4-5 Lesson 4-5 Lesson 6-8 Lesson 6-8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Unit Test LESSON 6-8

Land, Sea, and Air:
Technology and War Group Research Project

Grade: 10

Time: two period (80 minutes)


Students will:

  • demonstrate an understanding of how diverse groups and individuals have contributed to the historical, cultural, and economic development of Canada.
  • analyze and describe the conflicts and changes involving Canadians in World War I.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact of WW I on Canada and the World community.
  • identify and describe the achievements of Canadians who have contributed significantly to the development of Canada and the world.
  • demonstrate an understanding of Canada's participation in World War I (e.g., reasons Canada fought, roles of Canadian men and women, actions of the Canadian forces at the battle of Vimy Ridge) and the contributions of war veterans to Canada and world history.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the impact WW I has had on the veterans, their families, Canada as a whole and specific groups within the country.
  • use appropriate vocabulary to describe their inquiries and observations.
  • formulate questions to facilitate research (e.g., the changing role of women in the workforce), using a variety of sources;
  • analyze, synthesize, and evaluate historical information; locate information using a variety of sources.
  • analyze and describe conflicting points of view.
  • communicate the results of inquiries for specific purposes and audiences, using media works, political cartoons, oral presentations, written notes, reports, posters, tables, charts, and / or graphs.
  • differentiate between bias, inference, and fact.

Lesson Plan:

  1. The students are going to be researching and presenting information to the class about a topic relating to World War I. .The students will have one class to research their information, the second class to further research any necessary information and then create and organize their presentations, and the third class will be to rehearse and fine-tune their presentations.  Three classes have been a suggested time line for this assignment; however, the duration of this assignment can be modified by the teacher according to expectations regarding depth and breadth.
  2. Write on the board the following list of topics. These are merely suggestions, brainstorm with the class other possible topic ideas.

    Suggested group research topics include...

    1. Land - Technological innovations and the ways in which they impacted WW
    2. Sea - Submarines and the ways in which they impacted WWI (e.g.Lusitania)
    3. Air - Planes, and their uses in WWI
    4. The Home Front - Munitions Factories
    5. Other suggestions....
  3. Organize students into small groups (two or three maximum) per group.
  4. Distribute and go over the assignment sheet as a class. Answer any questions that the students may have.
  5. Prepare an overhead of the WWI Presentation Evaluation Form from Lesson 9, and go over with the class in order that they may be aware of the evaluation expectations.


Group Members:________________________, ___________________
Research topic chosen:_____________________________________
Your mission over the next three classes is to work hard, stay focussed and prepare a piece of work that will make you proud of your accomplishments.

Day one
1. You and your group will have one day to choose and research a topic on WWI . You must check in with your commander and chief (a.k.a. your teacher), at the end of the class and show proof that you spent the class working.  Your proof will be your rough notes and sources of where you obtained your information about the project. You must have the following
questions answered appropriately.(everyone in the group must have answers). Then see the teacher for a signature when these questions are completed.

Our topic is:________________________________
Why did you choose this topic?______________
What did you learn about your topic today? (three interesting facts)
Did you discover any personal accounts in your research?___
If so, describe briefly that person(s) experience or opinion relating to your topic.
Describe any forms of technology used in WWI pertaining to your topic. ____________

What are your thoughts about the technology used during WWI?
Where did you obtain most of your information?  ______
Are there other resource tools you feel that you would like to use? If so what are they?
What other burning questions about your topic do you have that you look forward to
discovering the answers to? ________________

Questions completed on time _____yes ____no
Teacher's signature_________________________

Day two
On the second day, your mission is to put the final touches on researching your information then begin putting your presentation together. Using the answers to your research questions you and your group are going to prepare a presentation about your topic.  The purpose of your presentation is to teach the class what you have discovered and learned about your WWI topic.

Here are some guidelines for your presentation:
* Your presentation may not be longer than five minutes (or shorter than three minutes)
* You should use your answers to the research questions the teacher provided to base this presentation on, as well as any other interesting facts that you have discovered about your topic.
* You will be evaluated by yourself, your group members and the teacher. Your effort and attitude during the assignment will be evaluated as well as the final presentation  Your group must have your project written out in a hard copy , whatever your method of presentation is.
* The teacher will evaluate the presentation based on the information you teach the class, historical accuracy, organization, creativity,  props, overall effort and attitude

Your presentation may be done in any of the following methods , just keep in mind the deadline date, the resources and tools available and the objective that you are to teach the class about your chosen WWI topic:
-a skit, a song, a story, an essay, a video production, a photo presentation, a slide presentation, overheads, handouts, chalk board, guest speaker (whom you interview), game for the class to play and learn, use of a multimedia tool such as Hyperstudio, a poster presentation or any other method that you choose and have verified with the teacher

In the conclusion of your presentation review what you have taught the class in a brief paragraph, for example,
You should have learned_____, _____ and _______ about WWI at the end of our presentation.
Thank you.

Our group chooses to present our topic on WWI to the class using the following method:
The supplies we require for our presentation are:
My role in gathering these supplies will be to:
My responsibilities to create the presentation will be:
My signature________________
My group member's signatures: ______________

Once these questions have been answered and signatures completed, please come see the teacher for verification and a signature.

Teacher's signature:______________ Date:_____________
Comments: __________________________________

Evaluation Opportunities:

  • Collect and asses the completed question sheets from both Lessons 6 through 8 if possible, during the class time.  Briefly conference with each group. Provide written and verbal feedback to the individuals and groups and discuss (where appropriate) how performances and presentations can be improved.
  • Use the feedback from these assignment sheets towards a process mark for the students.
  • Observe research skills and oral communication skills
  • Use rubrics for student self evaluation and group evaluation during cooperative learning assignment.

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