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Image: NS2847A.03.jpg

Crystal system monoclinic
Habit usually as stacked hexagonally shaped plates that form a "rosette"; often twinned; pseudo-orthorhombic or pseudo-hexagonal in form.
Cleavage depending on the manner in which you hold the mineral, it is either perfect cleavage or imperfect (i.e. it may or may not break along that edge and it mat be rough looking).
Fracture conchoidal.
Hardness 5-6
Specific Gravity 2.8
Color can be tan, beige, pale gray, brown or colorless; more rarely it is pale yellow, orange pink or pale blue.
Luster can be transparent to translucent to opaque with vitreous luster.
Streak none.
Distinguishing features the rosette habit of stacked crystals.
Uses of interest to scientists and collectors.


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