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Image: NS1263.10.jpg
Detail: NS1263.10detail.jpg

Crystal system hexagonal.
Habit hexagonal crystals that are prismatic and are terminated by rhombohedrons; can also be double sided pyramids; also massive, stalactitic, granular and exists as sand; twinning is common.
Cleavage none.
Fracture conchoidal.
Hardness 7
Specific Gravity 2.6
Color colorless, white, gray, yellow, purple, violet, pink brown and black.
Luster vitreous and occasionally greasy or waxy.
Streak white
Distinguishing features luster, fracture and high hardness are very characteristic.
Uses important industrial mineral; sand is used in the glass industry and quartz crystals themselves are used in electronics as oscillators like those used in radios and watches.


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