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This page contains a list of profiles that are available to the Native Veterans Association of Northwestern Ontario. All information contained within has been submitted through personal contacts or through a variety of Newspaper articles. Credit is given to different authors where it is known.


Name of Veteran Theatre of Service Profile Listing
John W. Alto WWII - C.F.C Interviews
Ortan Asham WWII - Canadian Armoured Corp Reinforcement Personal Biography
Frank Boy WWII - R.C.E. Family Biography
Bud Friday WWII - R.W.R November 8, 1998 Kenora News Enterprise
Daniel Garneau WWII - KIA Sicily Interviews, Obituary, Family
Raymond Goodchild UN Cyprus PPCLI  
Joan Hogan (Martin) WWII - C.W.A.C Martin Family
Isabel Houston R.C.A.F. 1955 Shimaginish April 1989 - Vol.1 No.1 P.4
Napoleon Kakeway WWII - Rifleman Highly Decorated Shimaginish Summer 1990 - Vol.1 No.6
Hector King WWII - 12th Canadian Armoured Regiment Shimaginish August 1989 - Vol.1 No.3
John P. King WWII - Regina Rifles Personal Retrospective
Stanley X. King WWII - 14th F.R -  Royal Canadian Artillery  
Stan and Hector King WWII - World War II Photo  
Joseph Linklater WWII - R.C.E. - P.O.W. Joey Linklater "My Dad's Story"
Richard Lyons WWII - Artillery Shimaginish June 1989, Volume 1 No. 2
Ben Martin WWII/ Korea - P.P.C.L.I. Shimaginish February 1990 Vol.1 No.5
Ivan Martin Korea - P.P.C.L.I. Martin Family
Lawrence Martin WWII/ Korea - P.P.C.L.I. Shimaginish November 1989 Vol.1 No.4
Tom Medicine WWII - Armed Forces

Shimaginish April1989 - Vol.1 No.1

Gilbert Michano WWII - Airborne Regiment of Canada Shimaginish Summer 1990 - Vol. 1 No.6
Paul Michel WWI - C.E.F. 8th Battalion Shimaginish Summer 1990 - Vol. 1 No.6 p.7
Frank Michon Peace Time Era - R.C.N. Personal and Family Profile
Xavier Michon WWII - Nine Mile Snipers Shimaginish June 1989 - Vol. 1 No. 2
Ted Morriseau WWII - Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Shimaginish June 1989 - Vol. 1 No. 2
Don Morrison WWII - Wounded in Action Shimaginish Summer 1990 - Vol.1 No.6
Isadore Ray WWII - Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Shimaginish August 1989 Vol.1 No.3
Gerald Thompson Peace - 421st Tactical Fighter Squadron  
Peter Towigishig WWII - Canadian Army Shimaginish June/May 1989 - Vol. 1 No. 2