Development Team Biography & Special Thanks

We see our community through our own eyes and have told you the story in our own voice. We hope you have enjoyed your visit and will take something away with you!

Who we are (arranged alphabetically):

Jason L. Moulton

Janay Nugent

Leighton-Jones Purcell

Fleur Sander

Mathew Stone (Team Manager)

Calvin Tams

Thank you

We would like to thank the staff of the Sir Alexander Galt Museum; in particular, Scott Sweetman, Museum Collection Technician and Cecile McCleary, Co-ordinator/Curator for their guidance and assistance.

We would also like to thank the City of Lethbridge Archives staff for their assistance.

Technical Help

A special thanks to Parthenon Consulting and Ingenia Communications Corporation for their assistance with Internet training and the technical development of this site.


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