The Royal St. John's Regatta - 1896 - 1949 Special Events
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1896-1949: Special Events
Governor Murray refuses to attend stating that the "best" people will not be attending.
A dead heat between the boats Glance and Bob Sexton.
Crew from Outer Cove rowing in Blue Peter sets a course record of 9:13.80. This course record will stand for exactly 80 years.
Earl and Countess Grey attend the Regatta.
Swimming Races are held as a novelty event.
Land around Quidi Vidi is sold to Prime Minister Sir Edward Morris, who then turns the property over to the Regatta Committee. In 1987, Sir Edward Morris is inducted into the St.John's Regatta Hall of Fame for this act.
War breaks out in Europe on the eve of the Regatta. The Regatta for this year goes ahead, but it will be the last one until 1919. This begins the tradition of "no Regatta held during war-times".
The end of the war and victory for Britain meant Newfoundlanders could once again enjoy the Regatta. This Regatta is referred to as the "Victory Regatta".
Attended by His Royal Highness Edward Albert, Prince of Wales. This would be the second of three Royal visits, the first being in 1860 when King Edward VII (then the Prince of Wales) attended.
Sgt. Charles Peters drowns when his boat Nellie R takes on water. All other crew get clear of boat and survive.
The Blue Peter is taken from Quidi Vidi and hung from the Rafters in the CLB Armoury on Harvey Road. The Lodge and the Blue Peter are later destroyed in fire.
Commonly known as the "Haig Regatta" as it is attended by the infamous Field Marshall Earl Douglas Haig, Supreme Commander of the First Newfoundland Regiment.
Races first Broadcast by the Dominion Broadcasting Company.
Regatta Commmittee incorporated under "The Companies act of 1899".
War erupts again in Europe, no Regatta held in 1940.
At the urging of military leaders, the Regatta is re-instated as a distraction to the men serving in Newfoundland, and as a form of competitive exercise to keep the men in fighting shape.
Death of Honorable William J. Higgins.
Death of famed racing boat builder Mr. Bob Sexton.
The Regatta this year is once again dubbed the "Victory Regatta".
Newfoundland joins Confederation with Canada and ceases to be its own country.