Hours of Operation
Chapel Services


Contacting St. Ann's Academy:

Please feel free to contact St. Ann's Academy in any of the following ways:

   Mailing Address: 613 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC V8W 1N8    Phone: (250) 953-8829
   Fax: (250) 953-8823
   Email: Kris Andersen
   Note: Our mailing address is not the same as our location.

Contacting The Friends of St. Ann's Academy:

The Society of Friends of St. Ann's Academy, Victoria was formed in 1996. The Society's mission is "to be a presence continuing the values inculcated through the history of community service of the Sisters of St. Ann; and to be a voice which 'enlightened users/visitors as to the spiritual, social and cultural heritage symbolized and illustrated by the building and the grounds."

The Friends provide assistance to St. Ann's Academy and the Provincial Capital Commission through organizing volunteers, assisting with fundraising efforts and networking with the membership through Newsletters and Society meetings.

The annual membership costs $10. To become a member please contact:

Mailing Address: The Society of Friends of St. Ann's Academy, 613 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC, V8W 1N8
   Phone: (250) 953-8820
   Fax: (250) 953-8823
   Email: Kris Andersen

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