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Resources and use
- Age-standardized mortality rates by selected causes, by sex
- Days lost per worker due to illness or disability, by sex, by provinces
- Disability-free life expectancy, by provinces and territories
- Hospitalizations for mental disorders, by cause
- Hospitalizations for mental disorders, by provinces and territories
- Induced abortions by age group
- Induced abortions by area of residence of patient
- Induced abortions by province and territory of report
- Induced abortions per 100 live births
- Infant mortality rates, by provinces and the territories
- Life expectancy at birth, by sex, by provinces
- New cancer cases, by primary site of cancer, by sex
- Number of weeks depressed in past 52 weeks, by age and sex
- Persons with asthma by age and sex
- Persons with asthma by sex, by provinces
- Persons with arthritis or rheumatism by age and sex
- Persons with arthritis or rheumatism by sex, by provinces and territories
- Persons with diabetes by age and sex
- Persons with diabetes by sex, by provinces
- Physical activity, by age group and sex, household population aged 12 and over
- Pregnancy outcomes by age group
- Pregnancy outcomes by province or territory of residence
- Probability of developing cancer by age and lifetime probability of developing and dying from cancer
- Selected leading causes of death, by sex
- Suicides, and suicide rate, by sex and by age group