Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP)


The mandate of the ATIP Office is to implement and administer the Access to Information and Privacy legislation at the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC).

In collaboration with the Office of the Primary Interest (OPI), the ATIP Office ensures that the legislative policies and procedures prescribed by the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act are met on behalf of the PPSC.

  • The Access to Information Act governs access to information contained in the federal government records. Canadian citizens, permanent residents, persons present in Canada, or corporations can, formally or informally, request records under the control of the Public Prosecution Service of Canada.

  • The Privacy Act governs the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information and gives all individuals in Canada access to information about themselves.

The ATIP Office deals directly with the public in relation to the Access to Information and Privacy requests and services as the centre of ATIP expertise in enabling the PPSC to meet its statutory obligations under these Acts.

The Office undertakes the responsibility of the ATIP administration generally by:

  • Assisting Canadians with their requests for information;
  • Providing advice on interpretation/application of the legislation and negotiating the resolution of formal complaints;
  • Assessing fees and costs;
  • Sending statutory notices to applicants, third parties, and the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada;
  • Advising applicants, third parties and complainants of their rights and obligations under the legislation;
  • Developing in-house training, guidelines and awareness programs;
  • Preparing the PPSC’s annual reports to Parliament on the administration of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act; and
  • Updating Info Source, a publication containing information on the Government of Canada, its organization and information holdings.

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