PPSC Complaints Policy


The Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) serves the public by prosecuting cases within federal jurisdiction with diligence, and in a manner that is fair, impartial and objective. In doing so, the PPSC is guided by its key values of respect, integrity, excellence and leadership.

This Policy outlines the procedure for the submission of complaints in respect of the work of the PPSC and for their consideration by the PPSC.

Statement of Policy

The PPSC seeks to ensure that complaints are dealt with in a timely and clear manner and thereby help maintain public confidence in the administration of justice.


A complaint may be made in respect of the conduct of a PPSC employee or agent, a PPSC service, procedure, practice or policy.

The following are not considered to be complaints under this policy:

  • criticism of a court decision;
  • unsigned documents submitted as a complaint;
  • information requests;
  • requests for legal advice;
  • access to information and privacy requests;
  • concerns expressed in respect of the justice system that do not fall under the mandate of the PPSC, including the police or other investigative agencies;
  • concerns expressed over legislation;
  • allegations of malicious prosecutions or demand letters addressed to the PPSC;
  • internal grievances from PPSC staff, agents, or former staff members; or
  • abusive or frivolous submissions.

Complaints in respect of the conduct of the police or other investigative agencies will be forwarded to them for response.


Complaints must be submitted to the PPSC Chief Federal Prosecutor responsible for the region where the actions giving rise to the complaint occurred.

Complaints must be submitted in writing, in either official language, and include the following information:

  • complainant’s name;
  • complainant’s contact information;
  • details of the complaint, including all relevant information concerning the complaint or allegations to facilitate the assessment of the complaint.

Complaints should be made within six months of the events giving rise to the complaint.

The Chief Federal Prosecutor will send a letter of acknowledgement to a complainant within five (5) working days of receipt of the complaint. Where possible, the PPSC will provide complainants with a written response within forty (40) working days of receiving the complaint.

PPSC employees or agents who are the subject of complaints will receive a copy of the complaint letter and the written reply. The complaint review will include contacting the employee or agent.

If the nature of the complaint is such that it cannot or should not be addressed by the Chief Federal Prosecutor, the PPSC will ensure the complaint is forwarded to the relevant Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for response.

Complainants dissatisfied with the response of the Chief Federal Prosecutor may request that the complaint be reviewed by a Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions. Such requests must be made within one month of the date of the response of the Chief Federal Prosecutor.


The PPSC will protect the privacy of all complainants and employees named in a complaint in accordance with the Privacy Act and existing privacy policy.

Effective date

This policy is effective as of October 1, 2012.