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Saga of Eric the Red

Much of what we know about Viking exploration and settlement in North America comes from the Saga of Eric the Red (Eirikr Thorvaldsson). It tells of four people involved in Norse exploration and settlement in North America: Bjarni Herjólfsson,Liefr Eiriksson, Thorfinnr Thordarson and Freydis Eiriksdøttir.

Graphical element: Viking ship portrayed on medieval tapestry

Moving Day!
On board the ships heading to Greenland were "men, women, children, cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and dogs…. bales of hay for the livestock, dried fish, dried meat, cheese and butter, farming tools, household implements, tents, hunting gear, weapons -- in short, everything essential to existence in those days."

Ingstad, Helge. Land Under the Pole Star: A Voyage to the Norse Settlements of Greenland and the Saga of the People that Vanished. London: Jonathan Cape, ©1966, 1959, p. 11.

A Treacherous Voyage
This voyage from Iceland to Greenland was one of the greatest Arctic expeditions of all time. As many as 600 people may have left aboard the 25 ships. Only 14 ships arrived in Greenland, the others either sank or turned back.

Ingstad, Helge. Land Under the Pole Star: A Voyage to the Norse Settlements of Greenland and the Saga of the People that Vanished. London: Jonathan Cape, ©1966, 1959, p. 11.


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