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Leading the Way

Extension Activity 1

The Northwest Passage was a mystery that men tried to solve for 400 years. It was so important that they were willing to risk their lives to find it -- a risk that ended in the death of many men. What was it about this route that made it so special? In this exercise you will visit the Canadian Encyclopedia Online and learn more.

Go to the Canadian Encyclopedia Online to research and write a half-page report about the Northwest Passage. Use the following two articles:

Young Learners' article:

Main article:

Your report must answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the Northwest Passage?
  2. Why was the Northwest Passage important?
  3. Who were three explorers that tried to find the Northwest Passage?
  4. Who was the first man to sail all the way through the Northwest Passage?
Report answers all the questions
0 1 2 3 4  
Grammar and spelling
0 1 2 3 4  
Follows proper report format: title, proper sentances, half page long
0 1 2      
Total marks:   /10


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