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1.Preservation and Access


Table of Contents

Documentation and Terminology
Building Design and Renovation
Collections Management
Education and Training
Policy and Planning
Professional Practice



Ashok, Roy and Perry Smith, eds. 1994. Preventive Conservation Practice, Theory and Research. Preprints of the Contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September 1994. London: IIC.
Covers broad range of preventive conservation issues including management, collections care, environmental control, exhibition, etc.

Banks, Joyce. 1987. Guidelines for Preventive Conservation. Revised ed. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, Council of Federal Libraries.
Covers environmental controls, and handling procedures; includes a model preventive conservation policy.

Buckner Higginbotham, Barbra and Mary E. Jackson. 1992. Advances in Preservation and Access. Vol. 1. Westport, Connecticut: Meckler Publishing.
Series of essays exploring big picture preservation issues i.e. cooperative programming, preservation education, digital preservation, the environment, etc.

Buckner Higginbotham, Barbra. 1995. Advances in Preservation and Access. Vol. 2. Medford, New Jersey: Learned Information Inc.
New volume of essays exploring contemporary preservation and conservation-related issues i.e. mass treatments, technologies, preservation of special formats and special collections, education and training, disaster preparedness, etc.

Canadian Council of Archives. 1990. Basic Conservation of Archival Materials: A Guide = Manuel de conservation des documents d'archives. Ottawa: CCA.
Emphasis on preventive conservation, environmental control, handling and disaster preparedness.

David, Martin. 1981. Archival Preservation of Machine-Readable Records: The Final Report of the Wisconsin Survey of Machine-Readable Public Records. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
Discusses machine-readable records in archives, including records management, appraisal, conservation, access, and security.

Dean, John F. 1986. Conservation and Collection Management.
Journal of Library Administration 7(2-3): 129-141.
Anticipates growing importance of conservation specialists.

DePew, John N. 1991. A Library, Media, and Archival Preservation Handbook. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
Basic handbook on environmental controls, materials and conservation techniques; covers also photographic and magnetic media, and includes a directory of suppliers.

Feather, John. 1989. Preservation and Conservation: A Professional Issue for the 1990s. New Zealand Libraries 46(2/3): 17-25.
Overview of preservation issues for the librarian based on the premise that the goal is to make libraries useful.

Feather, John. 1991. Preservation and the Management of Library Collections. London: Library Association.

Henderson, Kathryn Luther and William T. Henderson, eds. 1991. Conserving and Preserving Materials in Nonbook Formats. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois.
Proceedings of the thirtieth Allerton Institute devoted to preservation.

Kyle, Hedi. 1983. Library Materials Preservation Manual: Practical Methods for Preserving Books, Pamphlets and Other Printed Materials. Bronxville, N.Y.: Nicholas T. Smith.

Lesk, Michael. 1990. Image Formats for Preservation and Access: A Report of the Technology Assessment Advisory Committee to the Commission on Preservation and Access. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access.
Considers preservation alternatives and the storage considerations in using various media (magnetic disk, digital video tape, CD-ROM, digital paper, etc.) for the storage of information.

Mallinson, John C. 1988. On the Preservation of Human- and Machine-Readable Records. Information Technology and Libraries 7 (March 1988): 19-23.
Discusses the potential of different media for the storage of information, including magnetic and optical recording media, and the software and hardware needed to support these media. Recommends the use of microfilm, because it is human-readable.

Northeast Document Conservation Center. 1994. Preservation of Library and Archival Materials: A Manual. 2nd ed. Andover, Massachusetts: NEDCC.
Leaflets in looseleaf format, covering all aspects of preservation concerns.

Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. 1983. Archives and Manuscripts: Conservation. SAA Basic Manual Series. Chicago: Society of American Archivists.
Comprehensive guide to archival preservation.

Swartzburg, Susan Garretson, ed. 1983. Conservation in the Library: A Handbook on Use and Care of Traditional and Nontraditional Materials. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Essays on the care and handling of broad range of library materials, including many non-book formats.

Swartzburg, Susan Garretson, ed. 1993. Conservation in the Library. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
A manual with contributions by experts on the care, handing and storage of library and archival materials.

Swartzberg, Susan Garretson. 1995. Preserving Library Materials: A Manual. 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press Inc.
Basic guide to the issues and preservation of library materials with focus on collections maintenance.

Smith, Merrily A., ed. 1987. Preservation of Library Materials; Conference Held at the National Library of Austria, Vienna, April 7-10, 1986. 2 vols. IFLA Publications 40. München: Saur.
Vol. I covers policy, planning, cooperation and emerging technologies. Vol II covers training, reproduction, storage and handling, treatment and the environment, and conference conclusions.

Smith, Merrily A., ed. 1992. Managing the Preservation of Serial Literature: An International Symposium; Conference Held at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., May 22-24, 1989. IFLA Publications; 57. München: Saur.
Includes chapters on the preservation of serial literature both in original, and in secondary formats.

Winger, Howard W. and Richard D. Smith. 1970. Deterioration and Preservation of Library Materials. Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School, August 4-6, 1969. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Table of contents

Documentation and Terminology

See also 2. Paper-Based Collections Records Documentation and Terminology, 3. Film-Based Collections/Records Documentation and Terminology and 4. Optical and Magnetic Collections/Records Documentation and Terminology


Bellardo, Lewis J. and Lynn Lady Bellardo, comps. 1992. A Glossary for Archivists, Manuscript Curators, and Records Managers. Archival Fundamental Series. Chicago: Society of American Archivists.
Covers nearly 1,000 terms and definitions used in the archival and records management professions. Reflects usage in the U.S. and Canada.

Brennan, Patricia and Jutta Reed-Scott, comps. 1993. Automating Preservation Management in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 198. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Includes SPEC survey results, production statistics, commercial binding, replacement and reformatting, condition surveys, needs assessments and environmental control.

Committee on Conservation and Restoration, International Council of Archives (ICA), Comp. 1988. Glossary of Basic Archival and Library Conservation Terms. English with equivalents in Spanish, German, Italian, French and Russian. Carmen Crespo Nogueira, ed. ICA Handbooks Series Vol. 4. München: Saur.
Useful dictionary of basic terminology, with parallel terms in multiple languages.

DePew, John N. and C. Lee Jones. 1992. A Library, Media and Archival Preservation Glossary. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
Comprehensive glossary of library and archival preservation terminology; includes specific sources.

Online Computer Library Center Inc. 1991. OCLC Guide to Preservation Data. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.
Scope: OCLC...offers this guide to help...better understand how to record and find preservation data in the online union catalog (OLUC)...

Perkins, John, ed. 1986. Computer Technology for Conservators: Proceedings of the 11th Annual IIC-CG Conference and Workshop. May 13-16, 1985. Halifax, Canada. Halifax: Atlantic Regional Group of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works: Canadian Group.
Papers from symposium on computer technology including systems design and analysis, software, databases, treatment files and case studies.

Preservation of Library Materials Section/Vendors Task Force. 1990. Glossary of Selected Preservation Terms (Draft). ALCTS Newsletter 1:2 (1990): 14-15.
Basic terminology in selecting and describing conservation supplies.

Roberts, Matt T. and Don Etherington. 1982. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books. A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.
Extensive glossary of conservation and bookbinding terms.

Stevenson, Rob, ed. 1994. Computer Technology for Conservators - The 2nd Wave. Based on the 19th Annual IIC-CG Conference Workshop. May 25-27, 1993. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Halifax: Atlantic Regional Group of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works: Canadian Group.
Papers from workshop on computer technology including computer and electronic imaging, digital techniques, image enhancement and end user programming.

Table of contents

Building Design and Renovation


Association of Research Libraries. Office of Management Studies. 1983. Building Renovation in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 97. Washington, D.C.: ARL.
Includes examples of planning and report documents from variety of libraries.

Boss, Richard. 1987. Information Technologies and Space Planning for Libraries and Information Centers. Boston: G.K. Hall.
Discusses impact of IT on building design and planning. Includes preservation and environmental control.

Dahlgren, Anders C. and Erla P. Heyns, comps. 1990. Planning Library Buildings: A Select Bibliography. Chicago: Library Administration and Management Association, American Library Association.
Bibliography on planning and design. Not annotated.

Edwards, Heather M. 1990. University Library Building Planning. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.
Covers successful library building design (U.S., U.K. and South Africa) in case study format.

Metcalf, Keyes DeWitt. 1986. Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings. 2nd ed. Philip D. Leighton and David C. Weber. Chicago: American Library Association.
Rewritten 1965 edition addresses new materials and technologies. Comprehensive coverage of planning of library buildings including impact of automation.

Mills, Edward D., ed. 1980. Building Maintenance and Preservation: A Guide for Design and Management. London: Butterworths and The Building Centre Trust.
Comprehensive coverage of building maintenance in order to extend useful building life.

Swartzburg, Susan Garretson and Holly Bussey with Frank Garretson. 1991. Libraries and Archives: Design and Renovation with a Preservation Perspective. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.
Part I is summary history of library design. Part II is annotated guide to the literature and covers facility planning, construction and renovation, shelving and storage, the environment, safety, security, emergency planning and preservation. Includes bibliography of bibliographies and journals.

Table of contents

Collections Management

See also 5. Environmental Control, 6. Exhibition, 8. Security and 9. Emergency Planning and Response


Atkinson, Ross W. 1986. Selection for Preservation: A Materialistic Approach. Library Resources & Technical Services 30: 341-353.
Discussion of a strategy for selecting materials to be preserved and for selecting appropriate preservation means. Focus on microfilming.

Association of College and Research Libraries Library Access Task Force. 1989. Guidelines for the Preparation of Policies on Library Access: A Draft. College and Research Libraries News (May 1989): 386-392.
Overview of issues to be considered in the development of an access policy.

Bansa, Helmut. 1992. Selection for Preservation. Restaurator 13(4): 193-201.

Child, Margaret. 1986, Further Thoughts on Selection for Preservation: A Materialistic Approach. Library Resources & Technical Services 30: 354-362.
Outlines preservation selection criteria in context of strategy coordinated on national basis for library and archival material.

Clark, Lenore, ed. 1991. Guide to Review of Library Collections: Preservation, Storage and Withdrawal. ALCTS Collection Management and Development Guide. Chicago: American Library Association.
Identifies elements of the review process and describes goals, criteria, and methods for decision-making on physical disposition of materials.

Hamilton, Marsha, J. 1993. Guide to Preservation in Acquisition Processing. ALCTS Acquisition Guidelines, #8. Chicago: American Library Association.
Guide to establishing and coordinating a program to review materials as they pass through acquisitions processing.

Ogden, Barclay. 1989. On the Preservation of Books and Documents in Original Form. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access.
Discusses selection strategies for conservation programs focussed on the book as an artifact.

Ogden, Barclay. 1989. Selection for Preservation of Research Library Materials. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access.
Discusses general principles in formulating a selection strategy in preservation programs.

Pacey, Antony. 1991. Developing Selection Criteria for Special Collections. Canadian Library Journal (June 1991): 817-190.
Discusses development of selection criteria to ensure that collections contain the most appropriate items.

Rare Books and Manuscripts Ad Hoc Conservators' Collations Committee, ACRL. Guidelines for Conservator's and Curators: Collations and Marking in Special Collections. College and Research Libraries News (May 1988): 294-295.
Endorses use of collational formaulae; marking, however, should be sparing.

Rare Books and Manuscripts Ad Hoc Committee for Developing Transfer Guidelines. 1987. Guidelines on the Selection of General Collection Materials for Transfer to Special Collections. College and Research Libraries News (September 1987): 471-474.
Covers transfer policies, procedures and selection criteria.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1986. Barcoding of Collections in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 124. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Includes SPEC survey results, plus variety of documents dealing with barcoding procedures, considerations and projects. List of selected references.

Table of contents


See also 3. Film-Based Collections/Records Legality/Authenticity and 4.Optical and Magnetic Collections/Records Legality/Authenticity


Bruwelheide, Janis H. 1995. The Copyright Primer for Librarians and Educators. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: American Library Association and National Education Association.
Clear guidance and explanation of U.S. copyright law. New sections on electronic communications and emerging technologies.

Cornish, Graham P. 1994. Copyright Issues in Legal Deposit and Preservation. IFLA Journal 20: 341-349.

Harris, Lesley Ellen. 1995. Canadian Copyright Law. 2nd ed. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Oakley, Robert L. 1990. Copyright and Preservation: A Serious Problem in Need of a Thoughtful Solution. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1990.
Mainly concerned with copyright in the United States. Describes the situation and reviews several possible solutions to the problem.

Noël, Wanda. 1994. National Archives of Canada Staff Guide to Copyright. Rev. ed. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada.
Looseleaf, to be updated and amended as required.

Table of contents

Education and Training


Bansa, Helmut. 1986. The Awareness of Conservation: Reasons for Reorientation in Library Training. Restaurator 7(1): 36-47.

Clements, D.W.G., J.H. McIlwaine, A.C. Thurston and S.A. Rudd. 1989. Review of Training Needs in Preservation and Conservation. PGI-89/WS/15. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Survey of current programs world-wide, excluding North
America and the U.K.

Coleman, Christopher D.G., comp. 1990. Preservation Education Directory. 6th ed. Chicago: ALCTS, American Library Association.

Conway, Paul. 1989. Archival Preservation: Definitions for Improving Education and Training. Restaurator 10:47-60.

Feather, John, prep. 1990. 1990. Guidelines for the Teaching of Preservation to Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists. IFLA Guide 5. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

Fang, Josephine Riss and Ann Russell. 1991. Education and Training for Preservation and Conservation. Papers of an International Seminar on "The Teaching of Preservation Management for Librarians, Archivists and Information Scientists" sponsored by IFLA, FID and ICA, Vienna, April 11-13, 1986, with additional information sources. IFLA Publication 54. München: K.G. Saur.
Covers needs, curriculum and teaching methods world-wide.

Kathpalia, Y.P. 1984. A Model Curriculum for the Training of Specialists in Document Preservation and Restoration: A RAMP Study with Guidelines. PGI-84/WS/2. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Focuses on the needs of archival agencies in developing countries.

Marcum, Deanna B. 1990. Preservation Education Institute Final Report, August 2-4, 1990. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access.

National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. 1984. The History and Future Directions of Conservation Training in North America. Washington, D.C.: NIC.
Nine papers and panel discussion transcript from Tenth Conference on Training Programs.

Pearson, Colin and Robert Ferguson. 1990. Code of Practice for Conservation Education and Training. In ICOM Committee for Conservation: 10th Triennial Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 22-27 August, 1993, Preprints, ed. J. Brigdland, Vol. 2. Paris: ICOM Committee for Conservation. 731-737.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1985. Preservation Education in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 113. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Contains documents on policy, general information, audiovisual programmes, staff training, orientation, reader education, donor information and exhibits.

Turner, J.R. 1988. Teaching Conservation. Education for Information 6: 145-151.

Walters, Tyler O. 1995. Breaking New Ground in Fostering Preservation: The Society of American Archivists' Preservation Management Training Program. Library Resources and Technical Quarterly 39(4): 417-426.
Description of the program where preservation administration is integrated into all facets of the management of archives.

Table of contents

Policy and Planning


The Advisory Committee on a Strategy for Preservation in Canada in Libraries. 1992. A National Strategy for Preservation In Canadian Libraries. Ottawa: National Library of Canada.
Outline of current issues facing Canadian libraries and proposal for national strategic plan.

Association for Recorded Sound Collections (Associated Audio Archives Committee). 1987. Audio Preservation: A Planning Study. Elwood A. McKee, ed. Rockville, Maryland: ARSC.
Comprehensive report of study of needs of sound recording archives. Includes extensive bibliography.

Baird, B.J. 1992. The Goals and Objectives of Collections Conservation. Restaurator 13(4): 149-161.

Central New York Libraries Resources Council. 1993. Preservation Needs Assessment: A Management Tool. Final Report of the 1992-93 Central New York Preservation Needs Assessment Project. Syracuse, New York: CENTRO.
Discussion of Central New York Preservation Needs Assessment Project (PNAP) including work plan, summary of results, project evaluation, future cooperative action and extensive appendices.

Chapman, Patricia, prep. 1990. Guidelines on Preservation and Conservation Policies in the Archives and Libraries Heritage. PGI-90/WS/7. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Presents guidelines for the preparation and implementation of preservation policy.

Clarkson, Christopher. 1987. Conservation Priorities: A Library Conservator's Point of View. In Conservation of Library and Archival Materials and the Graphic Arts. Guy Petherbridge, ed. London: Butterworths. 235-238.
One of a set of papers on preservation priorities from different points of view, ie. bibliographer, bookseller and book conservator.

Council on Library Resources, Commission on Preservation and Access. 1986. Brittle Books: Reports of the Committee on Preservation and Access. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources.
Recommends national strategy for preservation of informational content of brittle books, with particular emphasis on microfilming.

Dureau, J. M. and D. W. G. Clements. 1986. Principles for the Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials. IFLA Professional Reports No. 8. The Hague: IFLA Section on Conservation.
Overview of general principles for preservation and security.

Cunha, George. 1988. Methods of Evaluation to Determine the Preservation Needs in Libraries and Archives: A RAMP Study with Guidelines. PGI-88/WS/16. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Guidelines for initiating a basic conservation program.

Darling, Pamela W. and Wesley Boomgaarden, comps. 1987. Preservation Planning Program: Resource Notebook. Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Comprehensive source of bibliographies, background information and technical readings related to preservation planning. For use with Self-Study Manual cited below.

Darling, Pamela W. and Duane E. Webster. 1987. Preservation Planning Program: An Assisted Self-Study Manual for Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Practical and extensive guide for libraries undertaking study of preservation needs including assessment, priority setting, programme planning and implementation. See Resource Notebook cited above.

Fox, Lisa L. 1988. A Core Collection in Preservation. Chicago: Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association.
Annotated bibliography.

Green, Sara Wolf, ed. 1990. The Conservation Assessment: A Tool for Planning, Implementing, and Fundraising. Marina del Rey: Getty Conservation Institute and the National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property.
Result of the Conservation Survey/Assessment Project. Provides methodology for gathering, interpreting and reporting information essential to proper collections care and practice. Designed for use with Amparo de Torres publication, The Conservation Assessment: Bibliography.

Harvey, Ross. 1993. Preservation in Australian and New Zealand Libraries: Principles, Strategies and Practices for Librarians. 2nd ed. Topics in Australasian Library and Information Studies Series, Number 7. Wagga Wagga, Australia: Centre for Information Studies.
Broad coverage of preservation issues written for librarians. Includes preservation overview, nature of library materials, surveys, storage environment, handling, disaster planning, in-house treatments, reformatting, technology and program development. Also readings and select bibliography.

Harvey, Ross. 1993. Preservation in Libraries: Principles, Strategies and Practices for Librarians. Topics in Library and Information Studies Series. London: Bowker-Saur.
Revision of Harvey's Preservation in Australian and New Zealand Libraries for international audience and companion volume to Harvey's Preservation in Libraries: A Reader. A detailed guide to all aspects of preservation.

Harvey, Ross. 1993. Preservation in Libraries: A Reader. Topics in Library and Information Studies Series. London: Bowker-Saur.
Companion volume to Harvey's Preservation in Libraries: Principles, Strategies and Practices for Librarians. Concise treatment of broad range of topics together with selection of readings plus references.

Hazen, Dan C. 1990. Preservation in Poverty and Plenty: Policy Issues for the 1990s. Journal of Academic Librarianship 15(6): 344-351.
Open-ended discussion of issues of policy, access and costs in preservation microfilming programs.

Reed-Scott, Jutta, Kyrillidou and Kaylyn E. Hipps. 1995. ARL Preservation Statistics 1993-94. A Compilation of Statistics from the Members of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: ARL.
Presents statistical data on the level and key components of preservation programs in 115 U.S. and Canadian research libraries.

Lyall, Jan and Janine Schmidt. 1989. Preserving Australia's Documentary Heritage: A Progress Report. Canberra: ACLIS.
Australian Council of Libraries and Information Services report containing 35 recommendations for the implementation of a national strategy.

Merrill-Oldham, Jan and Merrily Smith, eds. 1985. Library Preservation Program: Models, Priorities, Possibilities. Chicago: American Library Association.
Focus on planning and organization for preservation. Proceedings of 1983 conference jointly sponsored by American Library Association and the Library of Congress.

Merrill-Oldham, Jan, Carolynn Clark Morrow and Mark Roosa. 1991. Preservation Program Models: A Study Project and Report. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries.
Report based on analysis of preservation practices from ARL 1988-89 statistics. Includes program components, organization and staffing, benchmarks and case histories.

Morrow, Carolyn Clark with Gay Walker. 1983. The Preservation Challenge: A Guide to Preserving Library Materials. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications.
Full overview of preservation, with guidelines on policy setting, staffing and budget, etc.

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators. 1991. Guide and Resources for Archival Strategic Planning. Albany, N.Y.: NAGARA.

National Conservation Advisory Council. 1978. Report of the Study Committee on Libraries and Archives: National Needs in Libraries and Archives Conservation. Washington, D.C.: National Conservation Advisory Council.
Overview of the key problems in library and archives conservation, with broad recommendations.

Nelson-Strauss, Brenda. 1991. Preservation Policies and Priorities for Recorded Sound Collections. In Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 48(2) (December 1991): 425-436.
Includes guidelines for the appraisal and preservation of recorded sound collections.

National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. 1989. Guidelines for Conservation Assessments. Washington, D.C.:

Roper, Michael. 1989. Planning, Equipping and Staffing an Archival Preservation and Conservation Service: A RAMP Study with Guidelines. PGI-89/WS/4. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Covers principles of archival preservation treatment options, and practical considerations in setting up and managing a preservation program.

Schmude, Karl G. 1990. The Politics and Management of Preservation Planning. IFLA Journal 16(3): 332-335.
Discusses barriers to progress in the field of preservation and proposes goals in relation to political and managerial environment.

Torres, Amparo R. de, comp. 1990. The Conservation Assessment: Bibliography. Marina del Rey: Getty Conservation Institute and the National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property.
Result of the Conservation Survey/Assessment Project. Bibliography on preventive conservation and maintenance. Designed for use with Sara W. Green publication, The Conservation Assessment: A Tool for Planning, Implementing and Fundraising.

Wilson, Alexander. 1988. Library Policy for Preservation and Conservation in the European Community: Principles, Practices and the Contribution of New Information Technologies. München: K. G. Saur.
Survey of preservation and conservation policies and practice in EEC countries, with comparison to American experience.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1981. Basic Preservation Procedures. SPEC Kit 70. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Collection of papers on handling, protective treatments, reproduction, and preservation decision-making.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1985. Organizing for Preservation in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 116. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Includes organization charts and position descriptions from many institutions.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1987. Preservation Guidelines in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 137. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Papers on preservation policy decision-making and brittle books programs.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1989. Brittle Books Programs. SPEC Kit 152. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Includes SPEC survey results, planning documents, organization charts, guideline and workflow descriptions, microfilming and photocopy procedures, with selected reading list.

Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC). 1990. Preservation and Organization and Staffing. SPEC Kit 160. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies.
Includes organization charts, position descriptions and planning documents from many institutions.

UNESCO. 1984. The Protection of Movable Cultural Property: Compendium of Legislative Texts. 2 vols. Paris: UNESCO.
Analysis of international and national legislative provision for the protection of movable cultural property, with texts of legislation from many countries.

Table of contents

Professional Practice


American Association of Museums. 1978. Museum Ethics. Washington, D.C.: AAM.
Consensus of the profession on broad ethical issues.

American Association of Museums. 1983. Curator's Code. Washington, D.C.: AAM.
Code addresses specific issues faced by museum curators.

American Institute for the Conservation of Artistic and Historic Works. 1995. Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice. Washington, D.C.: A.I.C.
Sets forth principles that guide conservation professionals and others involved in care of cultural property.

AIC Working Group. 1995. Proposed Definitions for Conservation. AIC News 20(2): 10.
Definitions provided as working document. Definitions for conservation scientist, conservation educator, and collections care professional are also under development.

Institute for Paper Conservation. 1991. Code of Ethics and Professional Standards. Worcestershire, England: IPC.
Statement of professional ethics and standards for the conservation profession.

International Council of Museums. 1986. International Council of Museum's Code of Professional Ethics. Paris: International Council of Museums.
Statement of professional ethics of ICOM, the international, non-governmental professional organization representing museums and museum profession worldwide.

International Institute for Conservation - Canadian Group and Canadian Association of Professional Conservators. 1989. Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice for Those Involved in the Conservation of Cultural Property in Canada. 2nd edition. Ottawa: IIC-CG and CAPC.
Statement of ethical obligations of conservators. Includes glossary and bibliography.

International Institute for Conservation - Canadian Group and Canadian Association of Professional Conservators. No date. Selecting and Employing a Conservator in Canada. Ottawa: IIC-CG and CAPC.
Leaflet designed to help with the selection of a conservator, what to expect and what not to expect.

Sturman, Shelley, ed. 1987. Guidelines for Selecting a Conservator. 3rd edition. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works and the Foundation of the A.I.C.
Leaflet containing advice for potential clients on the process of selecting a conservator.

UNESCO. 1983. Conventions and Recommendations of UNESCO Concerning the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Paris: UNESCO.
Detailed overview of international principles in the protection of movable artifacts and other cultural property, including print and film media.

United Kingdom Institute for Conservation. 1983. Guidance for Conservation Practice. London: UKIC.
Professional standard of practice for conservators.

Table of contents



Alkaline Paper Advocate. 1994. The ISR Research Proposal - A Summary, and Some Suggestions from the Advisory Committee. The Alkaline Paper Advocate 7(5-6): 42-45.
Discussion of ASTM's ISR (Institute for Standards Research) proposal for project entitled " Research Proposal to Study the Effects of Aging on Printing and Writing Papers".

Beyer, Carrie. 1993. Preservation Research and Development: Round Table Proceedings September 28-29, 1992. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.
Includes case studies, institutional and media/treatment, i.e. electronic imaging, environmental effects; mass preservation and imaging media preservation.

Brown, J.P., comp. 1993. Conservation Research in the United Kingdom. London: Museums and Galleries Commission.
Directory of conservation research, largely divided by material type. Also covers analytical techniques, preventive conservation, etc.

Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science. 1993. Investigations by the Central Research Laboratory, 1993: Research Abstracts. Amsterdam: Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science.
Pages 5-24 are in english. Includes summaries of research projects, as well as investigations and subjects of consultation advice.

Commission on Preservation and Access. 1990. Directory: Information Sources on Scientific Research Related to the Preservation of Books, Paper and Adhesives. Washington, D.C.: CPA.
Covers Laboratories and organizations; Indexes, abstracts and databases and; Publications and Newsletters plus 1989 report on Library of Congress preservation research.

Costain, Charlie. 1995. Meeting Focuses on Paper Research. CCI Newsletter 15(March 1995): 13-14.
Overview of discussion of research priorities for paper, archival and library materials.

Druzik, James. R., ed. 1994. Research Abstracts of the Scientific Program. GCI Program Report, December 1994. Marina del Rey, California: Getty Conservation Institute.
Abstracts grouped by research project with index, and bibliography.

National Library News. 1995. Government and Industry Collaborate on Research Project to Unravel Mysteries of Lignin. National Library News 27(7-8):5.
Announcement of research on impact of lignin on paper permanence. Joint project at the Pulp and Paper Institute of Canada and Canadian Conservation Institute.

Table of contents

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1996-09-12).