Clinical and Investigative Medicine Contents / Sommaire

Volume 19, No. 2, April / Avril 1996


63 - Intestinal morphology and transport after ileal resection in rat is modified by dietary fatty acids. M. Keelan, C.I. Cheeseman, M.T. Clandinin and A.B.R. Thomson [abstract / résumé]

71 - Improved counter-regulatory hormonal and symptomatic responses to hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus after 3 months of less strict glycemic control. D. Liu, R.M. McManus and E.A. Ryan [abstract / résumé]

83 - Theoretical modelling of the release rate of low-density lipoproteins and their breakdown products at arterial stenoses. X. Deng, P.W. Stroman, R. Guidoin [abstract / résumé]

92 - Surface properties of Helicobacter mustelae and ferret gastrointestinal mucosa. B.D. Gold, P. Islur, Z. Policova, S. Czinn, A.W. Neumann and P.M. Sherman [abstract / résumé]

101 - Contractility of longitudinal smooth muscle after massive intestinal resection in rat. B.C. Chin, D.T.M. Tan and R.B. Scott [abstract / résumé]


111 - A decade of research on the natural history of HIV infection: Part 1. Markers. S.A. Strathdee, M.V. O'Shaughnessy, J.S.G. Montaner and M.T. Schechter [abstract / résumé]

121 - A decade of research on the natural history of HIV infection: Part 2. Cofactors. S.A. Strathdee, R.S. Hogg, M.V. O'Shaughnessy, J.S.G. Montaner and M.T. Schechter [abstract / résumé]

Published by the Canadian Medical Association
Publié par l'Association médicale canadienne

Official journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Journal officiel de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques

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Copyright 1996, Canadian Medical Association