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le 14 novembre 2000 / November 14, 2000

JAMC 2000; 163(10)
Highlights of this issue
Éditorial Editorial |
1225 |
Politics and the common good
PDF] |
1227 |
La politique et le bien commun
PDF] |

Recherche Research |
1247 |
Intervening to reduce weight gain in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus in Cree communities: an evaluation
K. Gray-Donald, E. Robinson, A. Collier, K. David, L. Renaud,
S. Rodrigues
PDF] |
1255 |
Discussions of "code status" on a family practice teaching ward: What barriers do family physicians face?
B. Calam, S. Far, R. Andrew
PDF] |
1263 |
Lipid screening to prevent coronary artery disease: a quantitative evaluation of evolving guidelines
S.A. Grover, M. Dorais, G. Paradis, J.G. Fodor, J.J. Frohlich, R. McPherson, et al
PDF] |
Commentaire Commentary |
1273 |
Planning research for greater community involvement and long-term benefit
Special Working Group of the Cree Regional Child and Family
Services Committee
PDF] |
1277 |
Screening colonoscopy: Is it time?
J.B. Simon
PDF] |
1278 |
Clinical practice guidelines and the translation of knowledge: the science of continuing medical education
D. Davis
PDF] |
1281 |
Do you relish interesting times? Call for applicants for the
2001 CMAJ Editorial Fellowship
A. Sinclair
PDF] |
Synthèse Review |
1285 |
Rheumatology: 10. Joint replacement of the hip and knee when to refer and what to expect
O.H. Brady, B.A. Masri, D.S. Garbuz, C.P. Duncan
PDF] |
1295 |
The primary care clinic as a setting for continuing medical education: program description
R. Pérez-Cuevas, H. Reyes, H. Guiscafré, N. Juárez-Díaz, M. Oviedo, S. Flores, et al
PDF] |
1303 |
Cutaneous blastomycosis in New Brunswick: case report
J.J. Ross, D.N. Keeling
PDF] |
1309 |
Novel cases of blastomycosis acquired in Toronto, Ontario
R.S. Lester, J.G. DeKoven, J. Kane, A.E. Simor, S. Krajden, R.C. Summerbell
PDF] |
1317 |
De l'Oreille Gauche The
Left Atrium
PDF] |
- The commission on the NHS book review by T. Sullivan
- One thousand words
- The salmon I.A. Cameron
- It worked for me J.R. Stratton
1323 |
Nouvelles et analyses News and analysis [PDF] |
Gens de cur Heart & Soul |
1412 |
"You are what you eat" becomes MD's credo
H. Kent
PDF] |