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le 8 août 2000 / August 8, 2000

JAMC 2000; 163(3)

Highlights of this issue

Dans ce numéro, Susan Kirkland et ses collaborateurs présentent un rapport sur le tabagisme chez les femmes de la Nouvelle-Écosse pendant la grossesse (page 281). Shahul Ebrahim et ses collaborateurs indiquent que les cliniciens ont un rôle important à jouer dans la réduction du tabagisme chez les femmes (page 288).

(Graphic courtesy of Hugh Malcolm)

La réduction du tabagisme chez les femmes

  Éditorial • Editorial
253 A central theme of the Beijing +5 conference
255 Thème central de la conférence Beijing +5

259 Correspondance • Letters [PDF]
Directives aux correspondants

  Recherche • Research
265 Canadian normative data for the SF-36 health survey
W.M. Hopman, T. Towheed, T. Anastassiades, A. Tenenhouse, S. Poliquin, C. Berger, L. Joseph, J.P. Brown, T.M. Murray, J.D. Adachi, D.A. Hanley, E. Papadimitropoulos, and the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study Research Group
273 Why are antibiotics prescribed for asymptomatic bacteriuria in institutionalized elderly people? A qualitative study of physicians' and nurses' perceptions
S. Walker, A. McGeer, A.E. Simor, M. Armstrong-Evans, M. Loeb
  Exposé de recherche • Research Letter
281 The natural history of smoking during pregnancy among women in Nova Scotia
S.A. Kirkland, L.A. Dodds, G. Brosky

  Commentaire • Commentary
283 The Canadian SF-36 health survey: Normative data add to its value
S. Wood-Dauphinee
285 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in institutionalized elderly people: evidence and practice
L.E. Nicolle
287 One solution to providing clinical coverage for pediatric inpatients
R.B. Goldbloom
288 Smoking and women's health: opportunities to reduce the burden of smoking during pregnancy
S.H. Ebrahim, R.K. Merritt, R.L. Floyd

  Synthèse • Review
293 Choosing a first-line drug in the management of elevated blood pressure: What is the evidence? 3: Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
J.M. Wright
298 Providing after-hours on-call clinical coverage in academic health sciences centres: the Hospital for Sick Children experience
J. Friedman, R.M. Laxer
301 The role of DNA amplification technology in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
M. Louie, L. Louie, A.E. Simor

313 De l'Oreille Gauche • The Left Atrium [HTML / PDF]
  • An old idea repackaged (book review by P.S. Links)
  • From a Kosovo diary
  • One thousand words

319 Nouvelles et analyses • News and analysis [PDF]

375 Nécrologie • Deaths

  Gens de cœur • Heart & Soul
376 Retirement's a four-letter word for Manitoba MD
D. Square

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