Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

July 15, 1995 / Le 15 juillet 1995

CMAJ 1995; 153 (2)
Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
135 - CMAJ and Canadian medical schools; Le JAMC et les facultés de médecine canadiennes, P. Huston [full text / texte complet]

Letters / Correspondance - 139

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
147 - Hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease: 2. Management, Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada [full text]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
161 - Effective teaching behaviours of rural family medicine preceptors, J. Goertzen, M. Stewart, W. Weston [abstract / résumé]
169 - Sanctions against sexual abuse of patients by doctors: sex differences in attitudes among young family physicians, M. Cohen, C.A. Woodward, B. Ferrier, A.P. Williams [abstract / résumé]

Editorial / Éditorial
177 - Fear and denial: grappling with the reality of abusive physicians, H. Armstrong [abstract / résumé]

Clinical Digest - 185

Sélection d'articles cliniques - 187

At a Glance / Aperçu - 191

Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
193 - Death on the Internet, C. Gray [abstract / résumé]

Association News / À l'Écoute de l'AMC
196 - MDs should be aware of changes in federal payments for treatment of refugees, CMA advises, P. Sullivan [full text]

Rural Practice / Pratique en milieu rural
197 - Organization for rural MDs focuses "on problems that separate us from our urban counterparts", J. Hamilton [abstract / résumé]

Health Care / Les soins
203 - New Toronto clinic for men may be sign of growing entrepreneurship within medicine, F. Lowry [abstract / résumé]

Case File / Dossier juridique
206 - The courts, expert witnesses and fibromyalgia, K. Capen [abstract / résumé]

CMA Policy Summary / Sommaire de politique de l'AMC
208A - The role of physicians in prevention and health promotion
208C - Le rôle des médecins dans la prévention de la maladie et la promotion de la santé

Politics / Politique
209 - Canada must keep single-tier health care, National Forum on Health maintains, J. Rafuse [abstract / résumé]

People / Les gens - 211

Issues and Innovations / Dossiers chauds et innovations
212 - Use of medical information by computer networks raises major concerns about privacy, M. OReilly [abstract / résumé]

Books and Other Media / Livres et autres documents - 181

Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs - 240

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