Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

June 15, 1996 / Le 15 juin 1996

CMAJ 1996; 154 (12)

Contents / Table des matières

1823 - Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
Internet addiction; La dépendance à l'Internet, B.P. Squires

1827 - Letters / Correspondance

  • [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

    Preventive Medicine / Médecine préventive
    1837 - Prevention. How much harm? How much benefit? 2. Ten potential pitfalls in determining the clinical significance of benefits, K.G. Marshall [abstract / résumé]

    Women's Health / La santé des femmes
    1847 - Cervical cancer screening: Are the 1989 recommendations still valid?, E.J. Parboosingh, G. Anderson, E.A. Clarke, S. Inhaber, E. Kaegi, C. Mills, Y. Mao, L. Root, G. Stuart, S. Stachenko [full text / résumé]

    Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
    1855 - A survey of population-based drug databases in Canada, E. Miller; B. Blatman; T.R. Einarson [abstract / résumé]

    Editorial / Éditorial
    1867 - Why is there no progress against cervical cancer?, M.M. Cohen [full text / résumé]

    Science in Medicine / Science médicale
    1871 - The Ku autoantigen: cast in a new light, A. Robinson [abstract / résumé]

    1881 - At a Glance / Aperçu

    Issues and Innovations / Dossiers chauds et innovations
    1882 - Internet addiction: a new disorder enters the medical lexicon, M. OReilly [in brief / en bref]

    Special Report / Document
    1884 - McGill-trained MD, experiment give June 20 shuttle flight strong Canadian flavour, R. Thirsk [full text / en bref]

    Association News / À l'écoute de l'AMC
    1889 - CMA calls for controls on prescription-drug advertising aimed at patients, P. Sullivan [full text / en bref]

    Special Report / Document
    1891 - CMPA not alone in pursuing huge reserves, CMAJ survey of US firms reveals, M. Korcok [in brief / en bref]

    Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
    1895 - "Cut them, not me" the refrain as National Forum holds wrap-up consultation, C. Gray [in brief / en bref]

    Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
    1898 - Collaborative care receives stamp of approval in CMA, CNA study involving HIV/AIDS, D. Walters, D. Morgan, M. Colbran-Smith [full text / en bref]

    1835 - Continuing Medical Education / Éducation médicale continue

    1875 - Books and Other Media / Livres et autres documents

    1900 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

    1915 - Service Information / Renseignements aux lecteurs

    1916 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

    1928 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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