PWGSC National CADD Standard

5.0 Annex A - CADD Layers

Legal Surveys

Table Summary

The Standard Layer List below lists the most-used layer names for the Legal Surveys discipline defined under the PWGSC Layering Standard. New layer names can always be created using the field abbreviations and extensions listed in Annex B Layer Field Descriptions. The French abbreviations are listed just as a reference and should only be used on drawings annotated in French.

English Abvn Description French Abvn
L-AZ Airport Zoning L-ZA
L-AZ-ZNS Zoning surfaces, runway strips, centrelines L-ZA-ZON
L-CF Cadastral Fabric L-CD
L-CF-BDY Legal surveyed boundary L-CD-LIF
L-CF-DIM Parcel segment labelling, bearings, and distance L-CD-DIM
L-CF-EAS Limited interest estate, easement, right of way L-CD-DRO
L-CF-OTH Other parcels/boundaries L-CD-AUT
L-CF-STB Setbacks L-CD-MAR
L-CF-SYM Symbols: coordinate monument, control point L-CD-SYM
L-CF-TXT Parcel labelling, description, property ID, book number, etc. L-CD-TEX
L-GL General L-GL
L-GL-TXT General text L-GL-TEX
L-SP Legal Site Plan L-PS
L-SP-CAN Canadian boundaries L-PS-FCN
L-SP-CLS CLSR boundaries, reserves, parks L-PS-RTC
L-SP-PRO Provincial boundaries L-PS-PRV
L-SP-REG Regional and municipality boundaries L-PS-MUN
L-SV Legal Survey L-LV
L-SV-CLN Radial ties, traverse lines, control lines L-LV-LCH
L-SV-GRD Survey grid L-LV-QUA
L-SV-SPT Survey points L-LV-POL
L-SV-SPT-DES Survey point description L-LV-POL-DES
L-SV-SPT-ELV Survey point elevation L-LV-POL-ELV
L-SV-SPT-NUM Survey point number text L-LV-POL-NUI
L-SV-SPT-PNT Survey points L-LV-POL-PTS
L-SV-SYM Symbols: survey pins, iron bars, etc. L-LV-SYM
L-SV-TXT Identification text L-LV-TEX

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