Human Resources Management


Human resource management is the component of the Project Plan that addresses the creation, administration and management of human resources.


  • to make the most efficient use of the knowledge and abilities of project stakeholders
  • to ensure the management of human resources is an integral part of the National Project Management System (NPMS)

Real Property Context

In the context of the Real Property Branch (RPB), the project manager (PM) exercises human resource management by establishing project teams for the management of real property projects. PM's must:

  • determine the number of resource requirements, specific skill sets and experience required
  • acquire staff through established internal classification and staffing processes or by contracting the resources from external sources
  • provide a work environment which supports individual resource development to enhance project performance and career development
  • ensure a human resource continuity plan is in place in the event that the nature and number of project team members change throughout the life of a project or their roles and responsibilities vary over time

Throughout each of these human resource management processes, the PM must consider several factors which affect the composition of the project team, such as the size, complexity, and type of project, innovative technologies, impact on urban neighbourhood, specialized building systems, health and safety issues, environmental and heritage issues, time/cost/quality pressures, client satisfaction issues etc. For larger more complex projects, PM's should include a human resource specialist as a project team member, particularly in the planning stages to ensure the myriad of organizational planning, classification and staffing constraints within the organization related to project team positions are managed effectively.

Human Resource Management Toolkit

Human Resource Forms and Related Links

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