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Ceraurus pleurexanthemus. A trilobite fossil found in Ontario. Photo courtesy of Steve Anderson, ©1997.

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  • Fossils

    Burgess Shale Fossils 
    Informative website on the Burgess Shale fossil beds in Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada.

    Burgess Shale On-line Exhibit 
    This site is maintained by the Royal Tyrrell Museum and provides information about the world famous Burgess Shale. The real exhibit contains rare fossils and fantastic larger-than-life models in a permanent exhibition at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.

    Dinosaur Illustrated Magazine
    A free online illustrated bulletin on dinosaurs. Users can also subscribe to a special online edition.

    Dinosaurs International
    A website devoted to dinosaurs. Includes online articles and illustrations.

    Fossils of Nova Scotia 
    Website devoted to the various fossils found in Nova Scotia.

    Fossils of North-central British Columbia
    This site tells a fascinating story of tropical seas, volcanoes, glaciers, plate tectonics, mountain-building and strange creatures. The story covers 250 million years geological history.

    Fossils of the Thompson Okanagan Region 
    Page with information on fossils found in the Lake Okanagan and Kamloops region of British Columbia.

    Kamloops Geological Tours 
    This site has information about fossils and minerals found near Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.

    Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology 
    Official home page of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.

    Trilobite Home Page 
    This site has good quality pictures and useful information about the various trilobites and their classification. Links to other important paleontological sites are listed as well.

    Yoho-Burgess Shale Foundation
    The Burgess Shale fossils are special due to their age and their exquisite preservation. This site contains more useful information on the fossils from this locality.

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