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  • Minerals
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    Mineralogical Record
    The Mineralogical Record is one of several high quality journals on mineralogy.

      Canadian journal

  • Periodicals

    Australian Gemmologist
    Official publication of the Gemmological Association of Australia, online edition.

    Lapis Mineral Magazine
    German mineralogical magazine. Although it is written in the German language, Lapis is an excellent magazine. Beautifully illustrated. Visit the site for subscription information.

    Le Règne Minéral
    French mineralogical magazine.

    Mineral News
    Mineral News is a monthly newsletter for mineral collectors, containing news and information on minerals and mineral localities, including new discoveries.

    Mineralogical Record
    The Mineralogical Record is a magazine intended for mineral collectors. This periodical features articles on classic mineral localities and new discoveries. It is illustrated with high quality color photographs and maps. The website has information on how you can subscribe to this magazine.

    Minéraux et Fossiles
    French mineral and fossil magazine.

    Rocks & Minerals
    Popular magazine about minerals and fossils. This magazine is recommended for beginners, but also to students of mineralogy, geology, and paleontology.

    The SPAR BOX
    Newsletter of the International Calcite Collector's Association. This newsletter is published quarterly in contains articles related to calcite minerals. The page includes subscription information.

    Wat on Earth 
    This Canadian earth science periodical is published by the University of Waterloo. It is an excellent publication featuring articles geology, minerals, fossils and environmental issues. Visit the website for subscription information.

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    Webpage design by H. J. Schmid & Associates, Inc.
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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