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Collectors looking for sulphide minerals on the Ore Fault Claim near Bernic Lake, Manitoba. Photo by Dirk Schmid, ©1999.

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  • Mining and Prospecting

    B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines 
    Mining information for British Columbia.

    British Columbia & Yukon Chamber of Mines 
    This website contains a collection of electronic exhibits and resources for prospectors, mineral explorationists and earth science enthusiasts. Links to mining and prospecting-related websites are available.

    The Gold Miner's Headquarters
    This site is the largest internet-based information center for the modern recreational and small scale gold miner on the web today. It offers an extensive gold mining and prospecting resources bulletin board providing information and links to gold mining related sites. It is also an open forum for all miners to post information.

    Mining Association of Canada 
    Professional association.

    Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines 
    From this site one can access the Ontario Geological Survey homepage, access information about minerals and mining companies, or explore possible investment opportunities in Ontario. A well-designed and attractive website.

    Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada 
    This association is the national voice for the Canadian mineral exploration and development community. It provides a forum for information exchange.

    Saskatchewan Energy & Mines 
    This website contains information on Saskatchewan's natural resources, and includes a useful section describing Saskatchewan's geology and landscape.

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    Canadian Rockhound

    Copyright © 1999 Canadian Rockhound
    Webpage design by H. J. Schmid & Associates, Inc.
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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