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Web Magazine
The Canadian Rockhound is one of several web magazines on the internet that focus on rockhounding.

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  • Web Magazines

    Australian Mineral Collector 
    Australia's top internet magazine for collectors of minerals, fossils and gemstones. This e-zine includes articles related to Australian mineralogy, a mineral specimen photo gallery, a calendar of upcoming Australian gem and mineral shows, home pages of the mineralogical societies, and a complete list of lapidary clubs in Australia.

    Bob's Rock Shop 
    A popular rock and mineral magazine maintained by Bob Keller. This site includes beautiful pictures of minerals, mineralogy software, articles, a BBS, and information about the annual Tuscon Rock and Mineral Show.

    Canadian Rockhound 
    Canada's online magazine for professional and avocational collectors of minerals, fossils and gemstones. This magazine was rated as one of Canada's most outstanding e-zines in the May/June 1999 issue of Sympatico's NetLife magazine.

    Dinosaur Illustrated Magazine
    A free online illustrated bulletin on dinosaurs. Users can also subscribe to a special online edition.

    Eclectic Lapidary
    This free monthly magazine will take you into the worlds of lapidary, gemology, jewelry, and adventure.

    Gemmology Canada 
    Newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Gemmology. This e-zine is published quarterly and contains selected articles written by students of the Canadian Institute of Gemmology.

    Western Canadian Gemstone Newsletter 
    Internet magazine on gemstones from western Canada.

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    Canadian Rockhound

    Copyright © 2000 Canadian Rockhound
    Webpage design by H. J. Schmid & Associates, Inc.
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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