The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.
Editor's letter for July 2000
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Charlotte Austin
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Editor's letter December 2000
Editor's letter November 2000

Editor's letter October 2000

Editor's letter August 2000

Editor's letter July 2000
Editor's letter June 2000

Editor's letter May 2000
Editor's letter April 2000
Editor's letter January 2000

The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd can be accessed on the Internet via the following domain names: and The site is honored to be archived at the National Library of Canada. Since February 1/2000 we have published 70 feature interviews and 401 reviews. Site statistics show a total of 390,000 hits recorded from Feb. 1/2000 to July 31/2000.

The Charlotte Austin Review is now a limited, legal Canadian corporation known as The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd found at

The latest issue is now published. There will be no issue published in August. The following issue is scheduled for September 3rd. Please consult the 'Get Reviewed' page for our reviewing policy, address update/change before mailing review copies.

Congratulations to Senior Mystery Reviewer PJ Nunn, and to Mystery Editor Nancy Mehl, for securing publishing contracts for their first mystery novels/series.

It is appropriate at this time to express my gratitude to reviewers, editors, publishers, authors and readers, as well as to the publishing industry at large in Canada, the United States, the UK and South Africa who have shown a keen interest in The Charlotte Austin Review, truly a unique site in book reviewing. One publisher put it to me recently as simply 'the premier site for reviewing on the Internet'. As the site's editor, I have set high standards and goals from the start, and I could not hope for a more meaningful assessment.

Thank you all. See you again in September.

Charlotte Austin, Editor
August 9, 2000

© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.