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A Face in the Moon
by Mitchell Waldman
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

A Good House by Bonnie Burnard
Winner of the 1999 Giller Prize for Fiction
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

A Gesture Life
by Chang-rae Lee
Reviewed by
Julie Failla Earhart

A Larger Silence by Yvonne Burgess
Reviewed by Merilyn Tomkins

A Passage of Arms by James Pattinson Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

Angel Walk by Katherine Govier
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Anil's Ghost
By Michael Ondaatje
Winner of the 2000 Giller Prize for Fiction
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji
Reviewed by Devorah Stone

Ashes for the Elephant God
By Vijaya Schartz

Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

B - F...

Back Roads by Tawni O'Dell
Reviewed by Nancy Duncan

Blood Brothers by Iain McCallum
Reviewed by Faith Leslie

Bone by Bone by Peter Matthiessen
Reviewed by Andrea Collare

Boogie Woogie by Danny Moynihan
Reviewed by Marie Thorpe

Breath and Shadows
By Ella Leffland
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Crazy for Cornelia by Chris Gilson
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Day of the Bees byThomas Sanchez
Reviewed by
Andrea Collare

Deep in the Heart by Sharon Oard Warner
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Desirada by Maryse Condé
Translated by Richard Philcox
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Diamond Dust: Stories by Anita Desai
Reviewed by Faith Leslie

Edge of Heaven by Eva McCall
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Elizabeth and After by Matt Cohen
Winner 1999 Governor General's Literary Award Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams
Short listed for the 2000 Booker Prize

Fin by James Delingpole
Reviewed by Faith Leslie

Flanders by Patricia Anthony
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

Force Recon: Death Wind
By James V. Smith, Jr.

Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

G - I...

Ghost Quartet
By Richard Burgin

Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Girl in Hyacinth Blue
By Susan Vreeland
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

by Keith Maillard
Reviewed by Robert Tolins

Harry Gold: A Novel by Millicent Dillon
Reviewed by Marion E. Cason

High on a Cliff by Colin Schindler
Reviewed by Faith Leslie

Horse Heaven by Jane Smiley
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Hot Springs
by Stephen Hunter
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

How I Spent My Summer Holidays
By W. O. Mitchell
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Immaculate Conception
By Katherine Govier
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

In the Empire of Dreams

By Dianne Highbridge

Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

In the Pond
By Ha Jin

Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams


By Ann Arensberg

Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

Into the Looking-glass Wood
By Alberto Manguel

Reviewed by Faith Leslie

Iris and the Friends

By John Bayley

Reviewed by Faith Leslie

Irish Nocturnes
By Chris Arthur
Reviewed by Charlotte Austin

Is Harry on the Boat

By Colin Butts

Reviewed by Faith Leslie

By Alistair MacLeod
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Italian Fever

By Valerie Martin

Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

J - M...


Ralph Ellison
Reviewed by
Julie Failla Earhart

Knick Knack Paddy Whack
By Ardal O'Hanlon
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

By Giles Foden
Reviewed by Merilyn Tomkins

Legacy of Freedom

By Karen S. Gardner & Mike Robinson
Reviewed by
Julie Failla Earhart

Lie in the Dark
By Dan Fesperman
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

Losing Julia
By Jonathan Hull
Reviewed by Nancy Duncan

Lust & Other Stories by Susan Minot
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Make Believe

By Joanna Scott
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Mary Mary by Julie Parsons
Reviewed by Nancy Duncan

Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind
By Ann B. Ross

Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

By Jayne Anne Phillips

Reviewed by Andrea Collare

By Vineeta Vijayaraghavan

Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

Monkeys by Susan Minot
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

My Russian by Deirdre McNamer
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

N - S...

Never Mind Nirvana

By Mark Lindquist
Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

No Great Mischief
By Alistair MacLeod
Winner of the 2000 Trillium Prize
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

No Tears to the Gallows
By Mark Johnson

Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Open House
By Elizabeth Berg

Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Otherwise Engaged
By Suzanne Finnamore

Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

By Toni Morrison
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Pay It Forward

By Catherine Ryan Hyde
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji


By Caroline Gordon
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Proud Legions
By John Antal
Reviewed by
Morgan Ann Adams

Random Descent
By Katherine Govier
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Roses Are Difficult Here
By W. O. Mitchell
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Rules of Engagement
By Catherine Bush
Reviewed by Devorah Stone

Secrets of the Heart
By Elizabeth Buchan

Reviewed by Marie Thorpe

Seeing Double by Lucinda Edmonds
Reviewed by Merilyn Tomkins

Shadow Dancing by Louise Meriwether
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Simon's Family by Marianne Fredriksson
Reviewed by
Morgan Ann Adams

Song of the Exile
by Kiana Davenport
Reviewed by Marion E. Cason

Standoff by Sandra Brown
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart


The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald
Reviewed by
Julie Failla Earhart

The Brethren
by John Grisham
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

The Distance Between by Eliza Osborne
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

The Flower Boy by Karen Roberts
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

The Forest by Edward Rutherfurd
Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

The Gravity of Sunlight by Rosa Shand
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

The Ground Beneath Her Feet
By Salman Rushdie
Reviewed by
Julie Failla Earhart
Winner 2000 Commonwealth Writers Prize, Best Book for Eurasia

The Hippopotamus Marsh by
Pauline Gedge
Reviewed by Marion E. Cason

The Hostage by Susan Wiggs
Reviewed by
Rachel A. Hyde

The Ivory Swing
By Janette Turner Hospital
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji
Winner of Canada's Seal First Novel Award

The Ladies' Man by Elinor Lipman
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

The Leper’s Companions
By Julia Blackburn
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

The Lion's Game by Nelson DeMille
Reviewed by Wesley Sharpe, EdD

The Man in the Box by Thomas Moran
Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

The Mentor by Sebastian Stuart
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

The Mermaids Singing by Lisa Carey Reviewed by Nancy Duncan

The Night Inspector by Frederick Busch Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

The Oasis: Lords of the Two Lands Vol. II
By Pauline Gedge
Reviewed by Marion E. Cason

The Phantom of Manhattan by
Frederick Forsyth
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

The Puppet Show by Patrick Redmond
Reviewed by Merilyn Tomkins

The Quiet Little Woman
By Louisa May Alcott
Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

The Runner
By Christopher Reich

Reviewed by Faith Leslie

The Secret Diary of Ann Boleyn
A Novel by Robin Maxwell
Reviewed by John A. Broussard, PhD

The Tale of Murasaki by Liza Dalby
Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

The Tie that Binds by Kent Haruf
Reviewed by
Andrea Collare

The Truth Teller by Katherine Govier
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

The Twins by Tessa De Loo
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

The Walking Tour by Kathryn Davis
Reviewed by Marie Thorpe

The Water in Between by Kevin Patterson
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

The Wonders of the Invisible World: Stories by David Gates
Reviewed by Faith Leslie

These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner
Reviewed by
Julie Failla Earhart

Tom Clancy's Net Force: Night Moves
By Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams

Traveling Light by Katrina Kittle
Reviewed by Susan McBride

Tulip Fever by Deborah Moggach
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

U - Z...

Until The Real Thing Comes Along
By Elizabeth Berg

Reviewed by Julie Failla Earhart

Waiting by Ha Jin
Winner of the 1999 National Book Award for Fiction - Reviewed by Devorah Stone

What the Body Remembers
By Shauna Singh Baldwin
Reviewed by Morgan Ann Adams
Winner of the Commonwealth Writer's Prize 2000 for Best Book in Canada and the Caribbean

What Was Always Hers
By Uma Parameswaran

Winner of the Jubilee Award for short stories [Canadian Authors Association]
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Where You Once Belonged
By Kent Haruf

Reviewed by Robert Tolins

White Oleander
by Janet Fitch
Reviewed by
Nancy Duncan

Who Has Seen the Wind
W. O. Mitchell
Reviewed by Zaheera Jiwaji

Winter Solstice
By Rosamunde Pilcher
Reviewed by Susan McBride

© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.