Practices" : Innovative Internet Use in Canadian Public Libraries
annual "Best Practices" Report on Innovative Internet use in
Canadian public libraries is written to provide trail-blazing libraries
with recognition for their efforts, and to inspire other Canadian libraries
to create their own Internet applications. If you know of a library (yours
or another) using the Internet in fresh ways to deliver information to
assist patrons and/or staff, email LibraryNet at ln-rb@ic.gc.ca
with details of the project and its URL.
"Best Practices" report is released in early June to coincide
with the CLA Annual Conference, and hard copies are available at the LibraryNet
booth. The HTML versions include links to all of the library web pages
discussed. [Note: These documents are snap-shots of the
projects at the time the report was written. Links may have moved, or
the description of the project may not be up to date, in the archived
for "Best Practices"
