Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004. LibraryNet Survey Go directly  to Site  Map
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LibraryNet and its provincial/territorial partners are launching their first on-line connectivity survey of Canadian public libraries, to be conducted between August 28 and October 13, 2000. Input from the library community will provide base-line data on the number of computers connected to the Internet and the quality of these connections in libraries across the entire country. This will give us data comparable to that of the SchoolNet On-Line Connectivity Survey, which probed the level of Internet connectivity in Canadian K-12 public schools.

Your participation will assist LibraryNet and its provincial partners in designing programs that meet the needs of libraries as well as implement the federal government's strategy to move public libraries to high speed multimedia service capability by 2004, as pledged in the 1999 Speech from the Throne.

Who should complete the survey?

The survey should be completed in coordination with provincial library authorities. In large urban library systems comprised of many service points, one survey should be filled out on behalf of all branches. Regional libraries can choose to either fill out one, or have each branch fill out its own. Another option for a region would be to fill out the survey on behalf of a number of smaller branches, but have the larger branches complete the questionnaire independently.

How does a library complete the questionnaire?

Please note that the on-line survey must be completed in one sitting. Respondents cannot save a partially completed survey and return to it later for completion. LibraryNet recommends printing the survey from the Internet and using this hard copy to collect the required data. Additionally, once a survey has been submitted, data cannot be recalled and modified.

Respondents are strongly encouraged to complete the questionnaire on-line by clicking on the link below.

LibraryNet's Connectivity Survey

Alternatively, the questionnaire can be printed from the Internet, completed off-line and faxed to Amy Rose at (613) 941-1296.

Why should libraries complete the survey?

Completing the questionnaire on-line allows libraries to monitor results while the survey is in progress. After the completed survey has been submitted, respondents will be able to immediately view the live report, which summarizes the number of responses to date. They will also be able to choose among reports that will allow them to compare their response to others within the province, as well as to libraries from other provinces.

Please be assured that respondents' confidentiality will be respected, as only aggregate results will be published.

Once the survey is complete, the final report will be published on LibraryNet's Website.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either:

LibraryNet and its provincial/territorial partners would like to thank you for your participation.

..last modified: 2003.06.11 important notices..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.