Current Parliamentary
Affairs (January 2006 - Present)
Competition Policy Review Panel
Blue Ribbon Panel on Grants and Contributions
UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions
Federal Procurement Policy
BILL C-2: The Federal Accountability Act
Federal Provincial-Territorial Meeting of Ministers responsible for culture and heritage
Foreign Ownership of Cultural Industries
Canada/EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Canadian Periodical Fund
Parliament's Prorogation
Canada Media Fund
Arts and Culture in the Recession
Musical Diversity Funding
Bill C-10:
Regulations Dealing with Offensive Content in Publicly Funded Film and Television Productions
Review of Television Policy Framework
Broadcasting Regulatory Policy
Fee for Carriage
New Media Hearing
CRTC Report on the Canadian Television Fund
Review of the Regulatory Frameworks for Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings and Discretionary Programming Services
Public Broadcasting
CTVGlobeMedia's Buyout of CHUM Ltd.
Canadian Television Fund
- CCA Bulletin 26/08 -
Canadian Television Fund: the CCA opposes the CRTCs main recommendations (July 31, 2008)
- Comments on the CRTC Task Force Report on the Canadian Television Fund (June 29, 2007)
- CCA Bulletin 14/07 - Update on the Canadian Television Fund (CTF) (April 2, 2007)
Response from Bev Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage (April 23, 2007) 
Letter to Michel Arpin, Vice-Chairperson, Broadcasting at the CRTC (February 27, 2007) (Available in French only) 
Letter to Bev Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage (February 26, 2007) 
- Irregular Regulation & Canadian Television Program Funding (February 23, 2007)

- CCA Bulletin 07/07 - From the desk of Alain Pineau: Why should you care about the Canadian Television Fund Crisis? (February 21,2007)
- CCA Bulletin 03/07 - Dispute Erupts over the Canadian Television Fund (CTF) (January 30, 2007)
Review of Certain Aspects of the Regulatory Framework for over-the-air Television
(CRTC 2006-5)
Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-72
Policy Direction to the CRTC Regarding Telecommunications, Proposed by the Minister of Industry Canada
CRTC Applications to Distribute Satellite Radio
CRTC Commerical Radio Review
Canada Council for the Arts
Cultural Infrastructure
Status of the Artist
- The Status of Status by Neil Craig Associates (April 12, 2007)

- CCA Bulletin 17/07 - Ontario Inches Towards Status of the Artist Policies as the CCA publishes a national “Status of Status” review (April 12, 2007)
- Response from Caroline Di Cocco, Ontario's Minister of Culture (March 30, 2007)

- Letter to Caroline Di Cocco, Ontario's Minister of Culture (March 12, 2007)

- Response from Glen Hagel, Saskatchewan's Minister of Culture, Youth and Recreation (December 21, 2006)

- Letter to Glen Hagel, Saskatchewan's Minister of Culture, Youth and Recreation (November 23, 2006)

Federal Budgets
2010 Federal Budget
Fall 2009 Pre-Budget Consultation
2009 Federal Budget
2009 Pre-Budget Consultation
2008 Federal Budget
2008 Pre-Budget Consultation
2007 Pre-Budget Consultation
2006 Federal Budget
Federal Elections
2008 Federal Election
2006 Federal Election Advocacy
Advantage Canada
Competition Policy Review Panel
Blue Ribbon Panel on Grants and Contributions
UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Federal Procurement Policy
Main Estimates of Government Spending
Abolition and Cuts to Arts and Cultural Programs
- Letter to Hon. James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage, regarding cultural trade (April 6, 2009)

- Letter to Mr. Gary Schellenberger, Chairman, Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage
House of Commons expressing concern over recent cuts to arts and cultural programs (August 21, 2008)
- Letter to Mr. Kevin Sorenson, M.P.
,Chairman, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International DevelopmentHouse of Commons expressing concern over recent cuts to arts and cultural programs (August 19, 2008)

- List of recent cuts by Federal government to arts and cultural programs (August 19, 2008)

- Impact of Federal government cuts survey (August 22, 2008)

- Federal Government funding cuts to arts and cultural programs 2008
$1 billion Federal Government Reallocation Exercise
- Letter to Peter MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on recent clamour responding to budget reductions to the public diplomacy program of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (February 8, 2007)
- Letter
to Peter MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressing concern over
recent budget reductions to the public diplomacy program
of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
(October 5, 2006)

Bulletin 40/06 - The First Cuts Are Not Always the Deepest:
Federal Government Announces $1 Billion Reallocation of
Expenditures (September 26, 2006)
- Post-election
letter from Peter MacKay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the CCA
(February 28, 2006)

Blue Ribbon
Panel on the Children’s Physical Activity Tax Credit
on Restoring Fiscal Balance in Canada
Bill C-2: The Federal Accountability Act
Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Culture and Heritage
Foreign Ownership of Cultural Industries
Canada/EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Canadian Periodical Fund
Parliament's Prorogation
Canada Media Fund
Arts and Culture in the Recession
Musical Diversity Funding