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About the ICC


Child Rights | Child Soldiers | Conflict Diamonds | Economic Sanctions | Human Rights | Landmines | Refugees and Internationally Displaced Persons | Terrorism

Conflict Diamonds

The Facts:

  • Conflict diamonds are diamonds that are mined in areas that are controlled by armed rebel groups that are opposed to the current, internationally-recognized government or regime. The money from those diamonds is used to fund the military action against the government.
  • Conflict diamonds are currently fuelling wars in Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia and Angola.
  • It is estimated that 10% of diamonds originate from conflict zones.
  • Conflict diamonds are sometimes referred to as blood diamonds.
  • The working conditions for miners of conflict diamonds are very poor and the miners are extremely underpaid.
  • In Angola, the sales of conflict diamonds have raised enough money for the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) to finance a second civil war. Those sales have allowed UNITA to plant landmines throughout the country. Landmines in Angola now outnumber people.
  • Without the sales of diamonds many rebel groups would lose their main source of funding. This would shorten and prevent the recurrence of the brutal wars in some parts of Africa.
  • Peace in African diamond-producing areas will help with the economic growth in those countries. Peace will reduce poverty significantly in African countries such as Sierra Leone and Angola.

What Can You Do?

  • When you buy a diamond make sure you know where it has come from. Make sure that you see the diamond's Certificate of Origin, and that it guarantees the diamond did not come from an area in which there is armed conflict. Do not help fund these conflicts by buying conflict diamonds.
  • Start a project through No War Zone to raise awareness in your community about Conflict Diamonds, visit No War Zone- Projects.
  • Sign War Child Canada's Petition to end the use of conflict diamonds.

To Find Out More:

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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