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About the ICC


Child Rights | Child Soldiers | Conflict Diamonds | Economic Sanctions | Human Rights | Landmines | Refugees and Internationally Displaced Persons | Terrorism

Economic Sanctions

The Facts:

  • Economic sanctions are deliberate, government-led suspensions of financial relations with another country. For example, an economically sanctioned country will be prohibited from trading with or receiving investment from the countries sanctioning them.
  • Economic sanctions are used to promote at least one of five different policy goals on the inflicted country: modest policy change, political destabilization, disruption of military adventures, military impairment, and other major policy changes.
  • There were 115 cases of economic sanctions between the end of World War II and 1990. Of those 115 cases, only 34% have been judged as partially successful in achieving their stated aim.
  • The success rate of economic sanctions has decreased significantly since 1973.
  • The United States placed 77 of the 115 economic sanctions between the end of World War II and 1990.
  • The types of economic sanctions with the highest success rate were those aiming to destabilize a country. Those with the lowest success rates were those aiming to impair the sanctioned country's military capabilities.
  • In most cases economic sanctions do more harm to the people living in the sanctioned country than the sanctioned government. In the case of Iraq, the economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and U.N. have created one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. According to UNICEF, one in five Iraqi children are chronically malnourished. The levels of contamination were more than ten times the acceptable levels in 40% of Iraq's water.

What Can You Do?

  • Start a project through No War Zone to raise awareness about the causes and the effects of economic sanctions, visit No War Zone- Projects.

To Find Out More:

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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