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Designthinkers 2000
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Dana Arnett
Gerald Cupchik
Hillman Curtis
Claire Hassid
Michael Johnson
Lee Shupp
John Furneaux
Bob Hambly / Barb Woolley
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Sabaa Quao
Eric Swetzky
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Bob Hambly began his career as a freelancer illustrating for both editorial and corporate clients, including American Express, Atlantic Monthly, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Nike and Toronto Dominion Bank. His brushstroke illustrations and 3D collages have garnered many awards, both nationally and internationally. Barb Woolley R.G.D. began her career as an Art Director at Saturday Night Publications. From 1987 to 1990 she was the Design Director, Corporate Communications for The Spencer Francey Group. In 1990, the two formed Hambly & Woolley, a multi-disciplinary design consultancy with complementary strengths in illustration and corporate design.

Bob Hambly & Barb Woolley: Motivating Creative Talent


Read Bob Hambly & Barb Woolley's presentation on Motivating Creative Talent (File Type: PDF, File Size: 144kb)
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© Copyright 2003 The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“Really, motivation has
a lot to do with goals or consequences.”