RGD - Designthinkers
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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Designthinkers 2002
Dana Arnett
Gerald Cupchik
Hillman Curtis
Claire Hassid
Michael Johnson
Lee Shupp
John Furneaux
Bob Hambly / Barb Woolley
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Sabaa Quao
Eric Swetzky
Interactive Thinkers
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Cheskin partner and resident futurist Lee Shupp takes a look at powerful ways to understanding consumers of the future. He discusses how futurists work with scenarios and probe beneath the surface of events to detect underlying forces of change. Complementing a futures perspective, he tells us, ethnographic insight can reveal more about consumers than traditional market research techniques. Surveying the newest frontier of the study of culture, digital ethnography, Lee discusses how digital tools allow researchers to capture and share data much faster. The result? A research process Lee calls “Applied Exploration” — and the advent of ethnofuturism, the study of future behavior in the present.

Lee Shupp: Ethno-Futurism


Read Lee Shupp's presentation Ethno-Futurism
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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“How can we gain a better understanding of what the future holds — and how the consumer will change? ”