RGD - Designthinkers
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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Designthinkers 2002
Dana Arnett
Gerald Cupchik
Hillman Curtis
Claire Hassid
Michael Johnson
Lee Shupp
John Furneaux
Bob Hambly / Barb Woolley
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Sabaa Quao
Eric Swetzky
Interactive Thinkers
Designthinkers Home

Recognized as a preeminent figure in web-based flash design, Hillman Curtis and his eponymous firm are now venturing into cross media design. Hillman will share some of the thoughts, inspirations and influences that have brought him recognition and shaped his work. Is the web an open medium? Does anyone shape it? What is the importance of theme? Of style? Along the way, he discusses the processes he uses to arrive at the “emotional epicentre” of a work, and the role the client plays in getting there.

Hillman Curtis: Making the Invisible Visible


There is no transcipt of this presentation available






© Copyright 2003 The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“It’s all about finding the single message and keeping the wow stuff out of its way.”