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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Designthinkers 2002
Dana Arnett
Gerald Cupchik
Hillman Curtis
Claire Hassid
Michael Johnson
Lee Shupp
John Furneaux
Bob Hambly / Barb Woolley
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Sabaa Quao
Eric Swetzky
Interactive Thinkers
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As Executive Vice President and Director of Strategic Planning at Saatchi & Saatchi New York, Claire Hassid works to transform brands with what matters most: passion and emotion. Emerging from a four-year critical assessment of “the state of the brand” conducted by Saatchi & Saatchi, Lovemarks are a tool and idea for building long-term emotional connections with consumers. In introducing Lovemarks and outlining the value of mystery, intimacy and sensuality in moving brands beyond business-as-usual, Claire looks at new opportunities for brands in the growing complexity of international markets and the kinds of organizations that stand to gain most from change.

Claire Hassid: Lovemarks


Read Claire Hassid's presentation on Lovemarks
(File Type: PDF, File Size: 152kb)
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Watch part of Claire Hassid's presentation on video
(File Type: Quicktime, File Size: 1.2mb)
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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“Now serious people say Love without blushing. And mean it.”