Glossary A & B


Afikomen - The middle of three pieces of matzah on the seder plate at Passover. As part of a game, the children at the seder search for the afikomen, which is hidden by an adult before the meal begins.

Alephbet - Hebrew alphabet consisting of twenty-two letters. There are no vowels in the Hebrew alphabet. Lines and dots placed below the letters are used instead. Each Hebrew letter has a corresponding numerical value.

Amen - Said after a prayer or blessing, meaning 'so be it' or 'truly'.

Amulets - Amulets are Jewish ornaments that were traditionally worn for good luck or to ward off demons and spirits.


Anti-Semitism - A term for anti-Jewish discrimination.

Ashkenazi - In reference to Jews of European or Eastern European descent.
(see also Judaism)


Ark - Located in the sanctuary. The ark is where the Torahs are kept when not being used.



Baby Naming - Ceremony during which a baby is given a Hebrew name. For boys, the baby naming usually occurs as part of Brith Milah (circumcision).

Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah - Translated literally as 'commandment age' the term refers to the ceremony when a Jewish boy or girl takes on the religious responsibilities of an adult Jew. Bar Mitzvah is the term used for males, and Bat Mitzvah is used for females.

Benedictions - (Berakhot) Blessings, or giving of thanks.

Bible - Also known as the Old Testament or the TaNaKh, it is the most sacred collection of books to Jewish people. The Bible has three parts; Torah (Pentateuch), Neviim (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).

Bimah - Elevated platform, often at the front of the sanctuary, from which the Torah is read.


B'nai B'rith - (Sons of the Covenant) Founded by German Jews in New York in 1842, the mandate of this service organization is to help people in the Jewish community.

Bread of Affliction - Reference to first words read from the Haggadah at the Passover seder, in reference to the matzah Jews eat during the eight day festival of Passover. Also refers to the Jewish tradition of inviting poor people to join the seder.


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