" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "


Population: 902 (1996)
912 (1976)

Incorporated: 1964

Brigus is first mentioned in the writings of the colonists who established the Cupids colony in 1610. However, at this time Brigus was uninhabited. By 1675 Brigus was settled and the census for that year lists Jonathan Gifford, Matthew Carter and Richard Webb living there.

The seal hunt played a major role in the development of the community and as early as 1768 Captains such as Azariah Munden were engaged in the hunt. In the 1870's and 1880's no less than 25 vessels from Brigus were hunting seals. The cod fishery also played an important part in the town's economy with residents of Brigus conducting a successful fishery in both Newfoundland and Labrador.